firearms: what ya got or want to get

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Master Mechanic
Aug 27, 2009
Omaha, NE
All I've got is a Ruger MKII .22 w/ the tapered barrel... it's fun for plinkin' and dead nuts accurate but for self defense it's better if you throw it...

My ol' man has some bad *ss chit though... There's the trusty ol' Glock .45 (not sure on model, it's an early one), my favorite is the 3 inch barrel .45LC/.410 Taurus Judge.... Bad *ss gun.. preferably loaded with slugs or 000 Buck.. Then there is the fine assortment of rifles and shotguns (2 12 gauges a very nice semi autoRemmington (i think) and his field gun a camo pump Benelli, a 20 Gauge auto remington, a Ruger 10-44 (looks like a 10-22 until you look down the hole), an SKS, a 300 Win Mag (Deer gun), a 30-30 (hasn't been used in years, and an old lever action .22 that hasn't seen daylight in 10 years or so..)

My mom has a .45 Cal Taurus (I think it's a Millineum Pro)... it's a pretty nice gun..


G-Body Guru
Jan 4, 2007
[youtube]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/youtube]


Master Mechanic
Aug 27, 2009
Omaha, NE
83cutlassowner said:
so far my thaughts are glock 17 or 19 , ruger sr9, or ruger kp95pr, or taurus 24/7 pro, or taurus model 809. any one have any experience with these. yea yea i know glocks are nice but price wise they're expensive as hell

how about a 45 Cal Taurus Millinium pro? Nice gun, and stopping power to boot...


Oct 4, 2009
silent_orchestra said:
83cutlassowner said:
so far my thaughts are glock 17 or 19 , ruger sr9, or ruger kp95pr, or taurus 24/7 pro, or taurus model 809. any one have any experience with these. yea yea i know glocks are nice but price wise they're expensive as hell

how about a 45 Cal Taurus Millinium pro? Nice gun, and stopping power to boot...
i guess i havent looked at that model to much. they look a little to stubby. i'm kinda looking for something in the 4"-4.50" barrel lengh range. something i can conceal if needed but be decent at target shooting. lol i guess we'll see what i find though. for the price i could get a millenium pro and a 24/7 pro and be around the cost of a glock haha. i just got my tax return so its time to start shopping woohoo


Master Mechanic
Aug 27, 2009
Omaha, NE
83cutlassowner said:
silent_orchestra said:
83cutlassowner said:
so far my thaughts are glock 17 or 19 , ruger sr9, or ruger kp95pr, or taurus 24/7 pro, or taurus model 809. any one have any experience with these. yea yea i know glocks are nice but price wise they're expensive as hell

how about a 45 Cal Taurus Millinium pro? Nice gun, and stopping power to boot...
i guess i havent looked at that model to much. they look a little to stubby. i'm kinda looking for something in the 4"-4.50" barrel lengh range. something i can conceal if needed but be decent at target shooting. lol i guess we'll see what i find though. for the price i could get a millenium pro and a 24/7 pro and be around the cost of a glock haha. i just got my tax return so its time to start shopping woohoo

The Millenium is pretty stubby but's it's accurate as hell too... I think they make a longer version.... Or you could get a Taurus Judge..... Nothing says stopping power like deer slugs... or bird shot...


Oct 4, 2009
just got a taurus 24/7 0ss 9mm. i like it alot. only downside is the long trigger pull but i can get use to that


Feb 26, 2010
Once I finish raping my wallet with this malibu sometime in the summer, I'm looking at a 30/30 repeater or a 45/90. Mostly for target shooting, which is why Im considering the 30/30. I do plan on getting out to do some elk hunting too, so the 45/90 would be a real treat there.


Mar 8, 2010
Downers Grove, Illinois
Here's my collection:

Sig 226 9mm
Sig Mosquito .22LR
AR15 carbine with ACOG scope and flashlight
AR15 National Match Rifle
AK47 (technically an AK103 if you want to be pedantic about it)
Russian Mosin Nagant
Finnish M39
German K98
M1 Carbine .30
Browning Gold automatic 12 gauge

I could take up a whole forum with my wishlist, but the next thing I want to get is a decent pump-action combat shotgun (I'm thinking Mossberg 590). It's the only practical thing my collection is really missing.


G-Body Guru
Aug 10, 2008
Wish I had a gun but I had let my license to carry lapse years ago, my old dog had eaten my wallet and I never got a new is harder to get a license now in Liberal Massachusetts. The problem is I Know I would have to use a gun in the surrounding city,,,,,3-5 guys come up to people, point a gun at them and take everything from them including their car,,,,cowards need 3 guys to look out for them.....If I shoot them though, I probably would get into trouble even though I am protecting myself but most cops agree that I am in the right to shoot them as they would do the same......The cops even tell me to make sure you kill them as it will be one less crackhead on the street, :rofl:

As far as guns, I got 2 BB Guns,,,he he....My uncle lives in California and he had a license to carry any gun in any state, he was a gun dealer....he gave it up as it was too risky and too much liability.....when I was a lot younger though I had the liberty of shooting a number of different guns, my favorite was the trick he played on me by letting me shoot a .357......he put all .38 bullets except one was a .357 bullet and scared the crap out of me.

I tried a shot gun and almost blew my arm off........But the one gun I have always wanted was a company in particular, just love them.

The coolest bullets I ever shot where ones for a shot gun that shoot and when in the air it blows up like a M-80 and the other one was a .45 bullet that had a blue tip with like 500 little pellets in it.....when shot at a milk jug, it has holes everywhere....pretty bad *ss.

Oh yeah....I may go re-apply for my permit,It asks why you want it but says if you put all lawful purposes as a reason they will deny you and you lose your $100. What should I put for a reason that I want a license to carry? I don't do much but at times I have large sums of money for playing poker, that's about it. It can't be just a one word answer either, they want like 100 words or something stupid like that.......I am sure someone has a good reason.
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