crucial118 said:No problem. You doing tb injection or multiport?ken87cutlass said:...Thanks, for the pics and information. Now I can refinish the tank.
Multi port, going with the Accel system. One of the guys on ROP is a dealer, he's setting me up a base map to get me going and I have a shop, Willy's Carbs, relatively close that I'll go to to get it fine tuned. I know, I said Will'ys Carbs but they have a chassis dyno and a really good FI guy also.
MrLightning said:Out of curiosity, whats the reason anybody would switch from a standard cutlass tank to a GN tank? is there that much of a difference in volume for the trouble?
As was mentioned, the GN tank has a "bucket" if you will installed underneath the fuel pump hanger. The smaller bucket receives the fuel from the return line staying "full" and keeps the pump from sucking air. Not critical on a carb car because the carb has float bowls full of fuel. On fuel injected cars, if you suck air into the fuel line you will have problems with fuel starvation.