Getting stood up

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"Craigslist syndrome" there ya go. I consider it a good day if even one out of 20 rubberheads actually shows up to look at something. And mind you, I have NEVER had someone walk away because my stuff is good as well as the price.
I sell and hustle on CL alllll the timmmmeeeee....i get people flaking all the time,but most of the time i sell at least 4-5 items a day, and it go towards my build...I hit the junk yards every weekend to make my money right for the week... but thats the hustle game, your not selling parts, your hustling them....take your time, and it will sell....Moneys evil gentlemen, work the system, dont let the system work you..... :mrgreen:
Have you heard that saying:


Big Saint
Well, I have to agree with the "Craigslist Syndrome", though I have always had people come to my garage to meet me, I have still been stood up.
It's the ones that say they are on their way and will be there in a 1/2 hour etc. and then they don't show up or even give you a courtesy call. I would never tell someone I would meet them and then not show up or call. I don't like it but I've accepted it's going to happen from time to time, it's all part of being a seller.
But the ones that actually show up have always bought the part and sometimes they end up buying another part at that time or at a later date.
I know a lot of people do the meet somewhere thing and that might be the only option they have for security or other reasons but I have found for me, especially when I am selling a expensive race part that the buyer is far more confident after meeting me and seeing the work I do and that I'm not just someone selling a part of unknown origin out of the trunk of his car. I have also found doing this I usually get my asking price even though it is ($--/best offer).

And even though I live in a good area on a dead end street with a neighborhood watch and half of my neighbors are retired and home all day, I still take security seriously and have quite a few measures in place because of what I have in the garage.
tc1959 said:
Sounds like Craigslist syndrome to me. :roll:

You are right on some.....I have had 2 no shows through CL but I have had alot of correspondance through PM on here, taken pics, offered "x", then no answers, email correspondance, etc. I have about 15 people that I had worked at very reasonable prices to send the product offer to them. As said before, not looking to get rich, just suppliment some income for the project...and help one another. Not alot of people have additional space to store cars, and the facilities to tear down and cut up a complete car but I do. So if I can "share some wealth" I will. I wanted some members on here to read and think about sending a quick heads up to the seller if the price blows, not in their budget, already bought somewhere else, etc. I have chased a bunch of emails just because I am holding onto the products "just in case." A little courtesy communication is all one needs. I try to keep stuff off ebay but it is hard to.
Try selling a vehicle! Last fall I was selling my old 89 Jimmy, and got so many calls from people saying they'd come look at it or they'd call back when they could look at it. Only 3 people came to look. I can't tell you how many asked what my bottom price was on the phone. I told them my asking price was bottom and I wouldn't discuss price over the phone. :blam:
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