-83MONTESS- said:Associates degree in what? I went through the samething when I was in high school but if your looking to get into something like designing or engineering you will probly need more unless you know someone. When I graduate next year I will have an associate degree in Automotive Technology, High Performance Technology, and Alternate Fuels technology and I will probly still have some trouble finding a good job but I will have a far better chance than someone without those degrees and I will only have been in college for 3 years. A tech school is definatley the way to goKwik_Cutty88 said:x4, haha. I am currently enrolled in an Early College Highschool program, which means I'll have an Associates Degree straight put of high school. I know it isn't much at all, but there is an opening at a Jiffy Lube for a Lube Tech, I'm gonna try there and see what happens. I know it's just a Jiffy Lube, but it mean I will be doing something I enjoy for the most part, temporarily.
My advice is don't go to tech school with plans on being an auto tech. It's a waste of money and everybody that I know and work with that has done it has regretted backing themselves into this corner of working in this industry. All that happens in this industry is you get thousands invested into your tools and the dealerships make a huge profit margin over what they are paying you and you get "stuck" working on cars. Im working for Chevrolet now and thats why im in college for nothing related to cars because its not the best business to be in.
Now if you are studying to go into automotive design or engineering, that is probably a much better career track