So, rebuilt the carb on my 85 regal V6 231L. After I got the float properly adjusted, the car fired up nice but would stay at high rpm after I let off the gas and never go back down. I changed the idle control module (or called idle stop solenoid at auto zone) and that didn't help. Did a diagnostic through the aldl port and it popped a code 13 and 14. I changed the O2 sensor out and it is staying at high rpm when I let off the pedal. Did the diagnostic again and now it is popping a code 42. I watched the arm from the carb that hits the plunger and it is not going back down to the plunger unless i push it. Checked the vacuum lines because that's the first thing always mentioned and didn't notice anything leaking or disconnected. Needs some serious help on this one and thanks in advance, the users on this forum have helped me through a lot on this car so far.