More and more I've been seeing this floating around. I could've sworn that the GNX was rated at 13.8 at 103mph in the 1/4 before this video came out:
Or am I just delusional? The GNX would've had to have damn near 400 horsepower to go that fast. And a lot of sites are claiming that it was faster than the F40, which is completely false. The F40 did the 1/4 in 11.8 seconds. If a stock GNX could go that fast, sh*t imagine how fast cars would be now!
Or am I just delusional? The GNX would've had to have damn near 400 horsepower to go that fast. And a lot of sites are claiming that it was faster than the F40, which is completely false. The F40 did the 1/4 in 11.8 seconds. If a stock GNX could go that fast, sh*t imagine how fast cars would be now!