i went into work yesterday, loaded up the sander, but didnt have time to put the plow on the truck... BIGGEST MISTAKE EVER... having a sander plus 2 tons of sand in the back of a F350 with bald tires, was not a good idea... i went to take a turn, but not having the plow weight helping hold my front tires down, i slid... i turned the wheel, the truck didnt turn, just slid straight... luckily it was on a back road, and no one was across from me... SO, i slowed down, figured it was speed that caused me not to turn... well, i turned onto the main road no problem, came up to a curve, and i was not as lucky this time, neither was the guy heading in the other direction... NO ONE WAS HURT... REALLY SORE, BUT NOT HURT... my boss was surprisingly cool about the whole thing... all he said was "are you ok" and "accidents happen"... YEAH DOUCHE ACCIDENTS HAPPEN WHEN YOU GIVE ME A TRUCK WITH FRIGGIN RACING SLICKS TO DRIVE IN ICE N SNOW...