Hey guys I was just wondering if this was normal or not lol
So today I had to pull my cutlass out of the garage (where its been sitting for the entire winter) to change the radiator on my dodge well I finished the dodge and went to pull my cutlass back into the garage well my entire drive way is a sheet of ice so as I'm pulling it forward I'm not even hitting the gas and the tires just wanted to spin I hit the brakes and they stop but when I just barely let off the brake they start to spin again it's like the car just wants to go and go NOW but I was just wondering if it was normal to be spinning like that at a stand still without even touching the gas.
So today I had to pull my cutlass out of the garage (where its been sitting for the entire winter) to change the radiator on my dodge well I finished the dodge and went to pull my cutlass back into the garage well my entire drive way is a sheet of ice so as I'm pulling it forward I'm not even hitting the gas and the tires just wanted to spin I hit the brakes and they stop but when I just barely let off the brake they start to spin again it's like the car just wants to go and go NOW but I was just wondering if it was normal to be spinning like that at a stand still without even touching the gas.