Having G-body withdrawals!

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2fit661ca said:
Definitely don't plan on it. At all. EVER!
oooh is that a two tone gray GP i see in that avatar? i thought i was the only one with a two tone gray GP.
G_Body_Enthusiast said:
oooh is that a two tone gray GP i see in that avatar? i thought i was the only one with a two tone gray GP.
Actually, it's a multi-tone grey GP. Most of the car is one shade of grey. The passenger door is silver. The passenger fender is another shade of grey. Where the vinyl top used to be is one shade of primer. Spots on the driver's side door are a couple other shades of primer. There's some more shades of grey on the trunk lid and hood. All in all, there are probably at least 10 or 11 different colors on this car right now, not including rust orange/brown.
I know it's been a while since I started this thread, but I finally had the time/ambition to pull my GP into the shop and see if I could figure out what was wrong with it.
IhaveNoPantsOn said:
I think I probably just turned an adjustment screw too far the wrong way when I was trying to get it running right after doing the TPS.
YUP! Turns out I somehow managed to set the idle speed way too low, which caused it to just stall on me once it warmed up. Turned the screw out a half a turn, and it runs fine. Shut it down and it restarted fine. (Well, as well as it did before, anyways). I let it sit for 20 minutes, and tried to restart it. It had some issues, but, it seems to be OK for now. I'm just glad it was something simple (although stupid...), that didn't cost me anything. I still plan on getting the carb rebuilt, but at least now I can move it around without worrying about it dying on me.
I'm actually still there, and things are going pretty well. I've been there for just over a year now. Either the boss is finally warming up to me, or he never had a problem with me in the first place, because he has been fine with me coming in on my own time to work on stuff. (All I had to do was ask, I guess).
IhaveNoPantsOn said:
I'm actually still there, and things are going pretty well. I've been there for just over a year now. Either the boss is finally warming up to me, or he never had a problem with me in the first place, because he has been fine with me coming in on my own time to work on stuff. (All I had to do was ask, I guess).
Like they say, "A closed mouth don't get fed"
I have been out of the G-Body scene for awhile, but am looking for another... that said, I believe this car is up for sale... found one in my area that appears VERY similar and has a blown 305... I may buy this poor girl and "restify" her.... we shall see. If anyone has more info on this car, please let me know.
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