In the pictures you provided you can clearly see the two nipples for the heater core. Both are capped, the one cap, the larger one, says "20" on it, and the smaller seems to be unmarked.
The tube with the 20 cap is the larger, 3/4" tube and takes the 3/4 hose. The smaller unmarked cap is on the 5/8" tube. The existing hoses themselves will tell you to a certain degree where they ought to go,. After that, the diagram showing what goes where should get you done.
The only other thing here is that, if your bypass has been there in the circuit for a while or the engine has been sitting, you might want to pay a trip to your local automotive supply shop and pick up some new heater hose in 3/4 and 5/8 ths. They should sell it either in bulk, by the foot, or in a pre-cut length in a package or bag. Add a few hose clamps in there as well; they like to strip out just as you think that they are tight.
Why change the hose? UV, heat and cold and chemicals and additives in the coolant can all combine to "eat" the rubber and cause it to fail. Since it is the inner layer that gets the most damage, you tend not to see the deterioraton until the hose pops, usually on the interstate in the middle of nowhere at 2.30 on a Sunday night!