Holy BONDO I need help!!!!!!

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Master Mechanic
Oct 7, 2014
Guys, my new to me '78 monte I knew was going to need a patch bottom of passenger 1/4 panel. Got to grinding and holy crap, there is a TON of bondo that appears to go above the trim piece line. What do I do- keep chunking this off and get into a situation of having to replace the whole panel(never did this before), or just clean the patch, rebondo and paint? Jesus, it looked great-never saw this coming...


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At first the reflection on the quarter panel was making me wonder what I was looking at, but I personally would replace with a patch panel.
You mean just replace patch and build bondo back up and paint vs. potentially replacing whole 1/4?
There appears to be a lot of Bondo and rust, depending on how much of the quarter panel is affected you could probably get away with a lower patch panel something like this. http://www.gbodyparts.com/product_info. ... ts_id=1850
Hopefully that is the only spot you find Bondo on your car.


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Thanks, not sure this will fit a 78 but I'll call them Monday... My fear is how far up all that bondo goes... Couldn't believe it, it looked straight even with the black paint when I bought it. The body guy spent some serious hours on it.. Also, do you know how the bottom of any panel gets welded or is it seamed to the inner fender panel? I think I'm going to wait before I pull anymore bondo off until I find some options on a 1/4 or this patch...
78'-80' Monte looks like that will be a tough one finding a quarter panel patch for, you might have to fabricate your own or possibly cut a section out of a good donor panel if no one makes one.
You might be able to find a competent body shop that can fill it in with metal also.
It really sucks to find this out when you are thinking you have a nice clean and straight all metal quarter panel.
Lucky for me my Monte came with all the original paint still on it.
Yeah, I feel like in at a crossroad.. Do I keep chipping away and see how far up the panel this goes and risk having to replace the whole thing or stop, weld patch panel in and rebondo to look good enough below the trim line... What would you do? Thx
I guess it depends what your plans are for the car and how much money you are willing to spend.
I have had my Monte for a long time and have no plans of getting rid of it so for me I would want it fixed right (all new metal)
If you plan on keeping the car and are planning on a bunch of upgrades but don't have the money right now I suppose a patch and re-Bondo would do until you have the money to fix it correctly.
I would really scrutinize the car at this point and look over the whole car to make sure there are not other areas just like this, hopefully it is just this one spot
If you find other areas you might want to weigh your options if it is worth replacing with new metal or maybe just patch the one area and sell it and look for something else.
Pretty much anything is repairable it is just a matter of how much you are willing to spend.
In the past I have owned each of the years of your body style, maybe post some more pictures of your car exterior, interior , engine bay, etc. I would like to get a better idea of the overall package you are working with.
Yeah, I'm going to keep it.. It does appear solid elsewhere(another patch all metal other side). Being that this the factory 4-speed, I'm keeping it.. Always loved these years.. Now I need to source a full panel.. Man, told the wife I wouldn't go deep- just can't help it.. Want it done right.
Sounds like a good choice, these G-bodies are getting harder to find and more costly for really clean ones and chances are you will not find one you like this much again so in my opinion you are doing it right by spending the money and fixing it correctly.
Still post more pictures though.
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