Once I remove the current cylinder heads I should be able to figure out the compression ratio. With the 4-valve relief pistons and the 64cc I would like to be around 10.1 CR. I have a decent cam in the engine now, I just don't know the specs. I want a radical sounding cam with more exhaust lift/duration for the Vortecs lacking exhaust flow. I really like the 60104 Lunati cam, but i don't want it affecting my power brakes, etc. I would like to make at least 350hp preferably 400hp. at least 375 400tq. I have a Holley 670 S.A. That can be jetted up, add the correct power valve, and secondary spring. I have a Pertronix Flame Thrower H.E.I.distributor I can adjust the vacuum advance springs/weights accordingly. I am getting Lonnie from Extreme Automatics to build me a Th-2004R with at least a 2500 stall for the camshaft. My rear end is a 3.73 posi with 26'' tires(235/60-15). The governor will be at 5200 W.O.T. shift points. I'm really only interested in Vortec style heads for this build. This car will be a street /strip car. I'm sure you all have the same thing in mind for your street vehicles. Sorry so long just don't know which head to buy. Basically with whatever cam and head I choose I want the most power potential up to 6000rpm.