I have been running a holley carb with manual choke for a couple years now and over the weekend I swapped it out in favour of a 1910 Quadrajet I picked up from a friend. Problem I found is my electric choke no longer works and the Choke light is now on in the car ( which it never did before I put the holley on ). I ran a hot lead from the + battery terminal to the choke and it opens as it should so I know its in the wiring somewhere. My test light was in my toolbox at work so I couldnt verify much, hopefully its not too dark by the time I get out of work today to have a peek. Any tips or suggestions would be appreciated.
IIRC there is a Ign Sourced 12v+ lead into the switch. When the car is cranked the switch sees the oil pressue closing the switch and competing the circuit. The choke and a couple other items are all on that circuit leading me to beleive that the switch is fine otherwise some of the other tiems on that circuit would not be functioning.
For now I jerry rigged the choke on to a toggle switch just so I could take it for a drive with the new carb.
IIRC there is a Ign Sourced 12v+ lead into the switch. When the car is cranked the switch sees the oil pressue closing the switch and competing the circuit. The choke and a couple other items are all on that circuit leading me to beleive that the switch is fine otherwise some of the other tiems on that circuit would not be functioning.
For now I jerry rigged the choke on to a toggle switch just so I could take it for a drive with the new carb.