I Have A Friday Night off... What Should I do?

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The domino effect is a good thing in one way. The USA economy effects the world economy- QUICKLY!

Those same Arabs who were getting rich a few months ago off oil will be getting poor just like the rest of the world in no time flat.

The USA has been the heart of the global economy since the start of the industrial revolution. We are at the zenith now, and only hoping we can hold our ground in trying to sustain that heart. It would be a monumental day for China to buy out GM, it would be their equal to landing a man on the moon to many Americans. But its not that simple, or that unfair.

I can't believe that I am sitting in a friend's living room right now watching him play video games while I have run out of stuff to look at online using my laptop. It sucks, but the only person I know that actually likes to go places is a girl that I like way too much who doesn't return the feelings, and it would mess with me too much to hang out with her. I was thinking of getting drunk, but I just can't bring myself to do it. I don't really like drinking anyhow as it makes me sick and I can't stand the taste. I hate being 34. There is no one left who is interesting to hang around with at my age. Man is my life boring!
smoke weed..

seriously though... im super glad i don't have hardcore bills like car payments and such... and i have job security... so that's kick *ss.. knowing i don't have to worry...

i also work in the automotive industry... just in a section where there will ALWAYS be a need..

it's true! we just hired 3 new people at advance! two drivers and a commercial parts guy.

our current work force was having a very hard time keeping up with the demand of all the mechanics in the area.
Smoke Weed does not work for me. Not just because it's illegal, but because I have bad reactions to it.

I was hoping that I would have been farther along in school before everything collapsed. I had seen this coming 3-4 years ago, but was not in a position to prepare for it. I can remember sitting in a friend's living room and discussing the coming economic nightmare that we both saw. Sadly, we were proven right, and it happened before I could prepare for it.
I saw this coming a while ago. I traded one of my trucks in January for a car, sold one of my project cars, and rented out my house in June about 3-4 months before the collapse. Now I am down to 3 toys and back living at home and it sucks, but it's alot less stressful for me financially since I also go to school.

As for the bar thing, I would totally stay away from meeting women at bars. If you want to meet the kind of woman you are looking for, try going to a church singles group. You might be surprised how many decent people you can meet there.
85 Cutlass Brougham said:
I was hoping that I would have been farther along in school before everything collapsed. I had seen this coming 3-4 years ago, but was not in a position to prepare for it. I can remember sitting in a friend's living room and discussing the coming economic nightmare that we both saw. Sadly, we were proven right, and it happened before I could prepare for it.

You still have time.... If I have to guess I'd say 6-9 months to get things together. Buying a new car or any car would be the last thing I'd ever do now. Good news is the the dollar is strong and gaining...but a good source to me says that its bubble waiting to burst.. When that happens we'll be in something deep... but there's still some time.

Read whats going on in Iceland.. and some of the language used in that article. They want to nationalize the financial industry and set up central bank. When you hear the mainstream media saying this, its pretty scary.

http://www.businessweek.com/the_thread/ ... es_ba.html

...where we are paying the price of the lack of a global financial regulator and global central bank.

Of course with Iceland being in their situation, I bet you have the majority of citizens begging for a financial central power to govern them.
I had heard about the Icelandic banking crisis and yes it is a bit scary. What really bothers me is that we do not have sane heads in power now. We have people that like power very much and are not afraid to take things over. I think we are all screwed. I have my geiger counter from when we get bombed sue to the new administration's incompetence, all I have left to get is an assault rifle, ammo and canned food. I just hope I don't have to. I kind of liked America the way it was and hope to see it return.
I bought 100 rounds yesterday should any looters/thiefs want to get brave around here.. and that is a possibility with a certain neighborhood being less than 2 miles away. If/when things do get bad, storeable food and water isnt a bad idea... but I think it will be more of a hyperinflation-dollar crisis instead of a food and water shortage.

America is about to embark on a period of liberal fascism. Were going to see some major changes take place with a big one happening next year I bet. This is going to change the psychology of Democrats and Liberals, bringing them into the fold of aggressive war and preemptive strikes as the war on terror continues. WW2 essentially brought us out of the depression... and should we go into another depression, I think another war, possibly one on an even larger scale, against a nuclear power like Pakistan is possible.
I actually want to get the book "Liberal Fascism" by Saul Greenberg. I have read some excerpts from it and it seems to be a good read. As for hyperinflation, I have been reading up on it as of late and I too fear it coming. If I had any assets, I would convert them to precious metals about now before the dollar and other currencies plummet. I think gold, silver, etc. will be the only stores of value left when this all plays out. I also want to fix the last remaining problems with my truck so that when the crisis hits I won't have transportation problems ( at least not with reliability). If I can, I think selling my house would be good too as it gives me less exposure to the problems that are coming. That way I can pool my resources with my family so that we can survive this mess.

I also agree with you that FDR did NOT bring us out of the Great Depression and that it was WWII. However, I do not think a future conflict will do the same. The nature of war has changed, and a new war will not have the same effect as WWII. This is because WWII destroyed the means of production in Europe, shifting manufacturing power to the US. Add to that the infrastructure improvements from all the make work programs of the 30's and we had the ability to grow quickly. That in turn gave us a boost as we were the world's producer of goods. Once Europe recovered by the late 50's, we went into another recession. This time around, there is nothing that will shift the economic pendulum our way with another war. The nature of war has changed, and future wars will not need large amounts of goods to fight if they are full scale wars. They will go nuclear instead, and be over fairly quickly.

What we are now seeing is a giant "rebalancing" of the world economic system in which the old producer states are losing their edge over the developing world due to costs. Eventually this will lead to stabilization, but it will take at least another decade before the balance is found. In the end, our current way of life will be lost while developing countries will have theirs come up, but not to the level we see now. It will equalize at a lower level for all.
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