Is This the Black Horse of Revelation?

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Wether you believe in Christ or not you must admit that they're not the worst morals to live by. And the church is run by people, people aren't perfect. In theory communism works until you realize half the people out there are lazy bastards. Don't blame religiong, blame religous people.
Firstly, ive had my share of reading from religous texts, whether is be Christian, Muslim, Shinto/Zen, Arabic, Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism, Charvakism, and many more I dont feel the need to even list here. All I am going to say is that in my studies all relgions at some point or another follow roughly the same morals and standards as any other religion. It is my belief that religion was and still is a standard of morals that are used to keep people in check, those of you who want to believe in something then so be it, but as the years go on and we continue to move on into a post modern society as Friedrich nietzsche once said, "God Is Dead" We Have Killed Him" people will realize that it was all BS to begin with. I laugh everyday as science disproves faith such as the case in evolution of humans from apes, everyone knows it happened and yet we still like to believe that some fairy like THING created us out of thin air.

Many of the morals that you guys point out are simply quite simple that is. Its common law to not steal, to not murder, or to commit rape or murder, these laws do not come from the bible, they come from the simple acts of human evolution to grow up in a society and to live to see it become civil, no god said anything about it. Some of you need to sit and read Siddhārtha Gautama and for those of you who dont know what the hell im talking about, its about buddhism, the first buddhism teacher was born into a city supposedly where he was free from all the evils of the world it wasnt until he went outside the city walls that he saw what the world was really like, its natural for people to feel greed, pain, and suffering which causes them to commit the immoral acts mentioned above, its in human nature to do it, it doesnt mean its evil, an animal kills something not because its evil but becuase its hungry. Just like a man prowls a women to have sex with, stupid example I know but i dont feel like wasting my time with this stupid forum conversation.

Furthermore, I think that religion is this countries largest problem, the main reason I cant wait to get my PHD, get the hell out of here and start doing some traveling and going to some more peaceful places in the world. No other country in the world has more politics involved with religon whether its on the basis of gay rights, adultry, gene laws and science, im talking about cloning, marriage laws, and other nitty picky things that most countries could give a hoot less about. Its some of the idiots on this forum I deal with on a daily basis that make me hate this country. Europe got it right in the wars of religions 100s of years ago, and they arent bitching about religion, marriage, or gay rights and yet we still do it.

Before anyone classifies me as an athiest, or a liberal ill just point out im neither, im a libertarian who supports Ron Paul, and i follow the shinto way of life, well feel free to ramble about how god will strike me down i laugh at religious bullshit
ok, my question is this. Would jesus drive a MC, Cutlass, Regal, or GP?
:lol: :lol: :lol:

well lets see, monte carlo has gambling and banks, jc threw the money lenders out, a cutlass is a sword that'd be violent, but regal means royalty or king and he's supposedly the king of kings...

though, he was jewish, he might want to run a monte carlo bank...
megaladon6 said:
:lol: :lol: :lol:

well lets see, monte carlo has gambling and banks, jc threw the money lenders out, a cutlass is a sword that'd be violent, but regal means royalty or king and he's supposedly the king of kings...

though, he was jewish, he might want to run a monte carlo bank...
I dunno, he seems kinda white trashy to me, I'd say a crappy *ss firebird with a donut on it :rofl:
George Carlin said:
Religion convinced the world that there's an invisible man in the sky who watches everything you do. And there's 10 things he doesn't want you to do or else you'll go to a burning place with a lake of fire until the end of eternity. But he loves you! ...And he needs money!

BTW, Jesus would drive a Crossfire.
NY87SS said:
KrisW said:
Our founding documents are all based on Christian morals.

The basis for out Government by our founding fathers is not Christianity inspired one iota which is a FACT Christians will never admit too.

The basic ideals are from a period well before Christianity was even thought of.
You should also note most of our forefathers were in fact Diest.

Here is just a small sample of things our forefathers had stated.

Thomas Jefferson
"Christianity...(has become) the most perverted system that ever shone on
man...Rogueries, absurdities and untruths were perpetrated upon the
teachings of Jesus by a large band of dupes and imposters led by Paul, the
first great corruptor of the teachings of Jesus."

More Jefferson
"The clergy converted the simple teachings of Jesus into an engine for
enslaving mankind and adulturated by artificial constructions into a
contrivance to filch wealth and power to themselves...these clergy in fact,
constitute the real Anti-Christ."

Jefferson's word for the Bible? "Dunghill."

John Adams
"Where do we find a precept in the Bible for Creeds, Confessions, Doctrines
and Oaths, and whole cartloads of other trumpery that we find religion
encumbered with in these days?"

Also Adams
"The doctrine of the divinity of Jesus is made a convenient cover for

Adams signed the Treaty of Tripoli. Article 11 states
"The Government of the United States is not in any sense founded on the
Christian religion."

Here's Thomas Paine
"I would not dare to so dishonor my Creator God by attaching His name to
that book (the Bible)."

Nicely put!
By the time I finished the original post... I was really mad and had something incendiary to say, and by the time I finished reading this thread I'm just so pissed I can't remember what I was mad about originally, I'm just mad in general now. :rofl:

But about the apocalypse... Remember Y2K? Nuff said, there's not going to be an "apocalypse" in the sense that everything is just going to fall apart in one day. Things have been steadily falling apart for decades here, and things will just keep getting worse, then one day it be the last straw and we will just fall into chaos and that will be that. Civilized society will cease to exist and it will be anarchist every man for himself free for all, and then it will be only 50 to 100 years before the human race is completely extinct or down to just a handful of specimens left. But any apocalypse theory, or 2012 theory is just bullshit. It's a gradual decline, and one day things will just get so bad... It will be the official end of the world (as we know it) but it's such a slow process that I doubt anyone will be able to note the time that it happens.

The world as we know it is definitely coming to an end... But there will be no second coming, there will be no rapture, there will be nothing. We will just become as extinct as the dinosaurs, and it's going to happen soon. As soon as Nascar, pro wrestling, and reality TV became the norm I knew it was the beginning of the end. Look at Rome, the emperors distracted the people from the degradation of the empire with cheap tasteless entertainment gladiator games, gambling, legal prostitution, etc. And that's what Nascar, pro wrestling, and reality TV represents to us in modern times. A way to placate people, and make them apathetic to what is going on right under their noses. Any dumb *ss that isn't blind can see that things are REALLY messed up... Huge floods, huge droughts, religious fanaticism of every kind, terrorists, tsunami's, wars everywhere, hurricanes, huge volcanic eruptions, man made environmental disasters, record breaking precipitation, record breaking cold and heat, the worst economy in 75 years, political and civil unrest. If there's a second civil war/revolution in my life time I won't be surprised. And I don't plan to be caught off guard either. Stock up on essential commodities, non perishable food, clothes, and guns and ammo folks.
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