Just one more reason not to buy a Ford product.


Supporting Member
Jan 2, 2006
It may not be technically climbing in bed with China, but they're still sitting in the bedroom, maybe just watching. And the American taxpayer is paying for it. The (taxpayer's) money they're using is supposed to be from local research and development, but they try to justify an end-around of that requirement by saying it's only the licensing. Wait, who's getting paid on the end? Get off your azz and engineer your own, ya bastages. Kiss it, Ford. On the tip. Point is, if these private companies keep doing this sh*t, we'll never be free of those balloon-floating azz wagons, Tik-tok, Fentanyl, and other ill sh*t, etc.

If this keeps up, everyone's going to need one of these, and soon:

The key is, JUST DONT BUY EV.

Beyond that, they're all doing it. Tesla. General Millennial, Ford, Dodge/Ram oops, i mean Fiat (which isnt even a us company anymore to begin with), so on so on.

Between the mining agreements to get their battery materials, or, the partnerships with Korean battery makers (lookin at you gm) it's really a lose-lose-lose proposition. They're far more emissions intensive to build, they cause more environmental and social harm to get the raw materials plus they leave behind toxic materials en masse at their sunset, and thirdly the infrastructure just isn't there for the base load to support the darn things above and beyond every other shift-to-electric move in heating, equipment, etc that's out there.
Sad part is ALL of the motor companies are tied to china. US Lost the ability to make anything after EPA OSHA and Labor unions crippled ability to make anything with over regulation and higher cost could not compete. Elite execs could not let go of their extravagant life styles and realize they are no different than the people that work for them. Not soicialist mind you just be human and decent.
As for China they have taken ALL the abilities to mass produce and are waiting forbthe US to crumble fronthe inside with social discourse race baiting and infighting. TikTok is a weapon to collect sensitive data / instagram is another.
America needs to wake up and do a culture check who are we or who were we.
Sad part is ALL of the motor companies are tied to china. US Lost the ability to make anything after EPA OSHA and Labor unions crippled ability to make anything with over regulation and higher cost could not compete. Elite execs could not let go of their extravagant life styles and realize they are no different than the people that work for them. Not soicialist mind you just be human and decent.
As for China they have taken ALL the abilities to mass produce and are waiting forbthe US to crumble fronthe inside with social discourse race baiting and infighting. TikTok is a weapon to collect sensitive data / instagram is another.
America needs to wake up and do a culture check who are we or who were we.
You reminded me of a good question from the Osha and epa side...

The last lead smelter was closed down by, iirc, the obummer admin under epa stranglehold. So, we can't even smelt our own lead, and, it's why pretty much all new lead battery plates are Chinese cores.

So the question is this: if the simple and relatively stable lead technology is too toxic to process here, how the **** are they going to recycle millions of li-ion car batteries a year? You've already got shipboard fires starting on carriers hauling whole cars with battery packs 20 ft apart from eachother. What, are you going to stack tens of thousands of these things like cordwood to slow boat to China for reclamation? The global shipping fleet will be sunk within 5 years.

How's THAT going to all work out?
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The key is, JUST DONT BUY EV.

Beyond that, they're all doing it. Tesla. General Millennial, Ford, Dodge/Ram oops, i mean Fiat (which isnt even a us company anymore to begin with), so on so on.

Between the mining agreements to get their battery materials, or, the partnerships with Korean battery makers (lookin at you gm) it's really a lose-lose-lose proposition. They're far more emissions intensive to build, they cause more environmental and social harm to get the raw materials plus they leave behind toxic materials en masse at their sunset, and thirdly the infrastructure just isn't there for the base load to support the darn things above and beyond every other shift-to-electric move in heating, equipment, etc that's out there.

The whole point of the EV push is to reduce private car ownership. New cars prices are already far above what most middle class families can afford. Used cars aren't much cheaper until you hit decade old models.

Various groups want people to give up cars and use either Uber types services, public transport, bicycle (eww), or walk in 15 minute cities. They also want to force people to move out of rural areas and suburbs and into these 15 minute cities. The idea is to set up car free neighborhoods were everything you need is only a 15 minute walk away. Of course the concern is would people eventually be locked inside their 15 minute city bubbles and require travel papers?

The UK is already installing traffic filters which are automated license plate readers in a few cities to reduce private cars in city centers. You can still drive in your own neighborhood, but if you want to to drive to another neighborhood across city you either have to go the wrong way and take a city beltway around it, pay 70 pounds ($84 US) fine to go through the traffic filter once, or purchase a yearly pass that allows a 100 filter crossings per year. Canada is also supposed to start installing these traffic filters too. This past year there has also been a huge increase in online anti car groups such as r/F×××cars and Notjustbikes.
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