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      ck80 reacted to Texas82GP's post in the thread Bye bye big city! with Like Like.
      It's hard to believe it's been two months. We spent the week of July 4th on the beach at Galveston. About a week later we had a...
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      ck80 replied to the thread Bye bye big city!.
      Nope, not what I meant. They actually have what is called permeable pavement, it's an asphalt product that allows water to pass through...
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      ck80 reacted to Longroof79's post in the thread It might be time to sell and move on. with Like Like.
      Thank you guys. I appreciate your pep talk and reasoning with me. The car is garaged and don't eat anything, as they say. The...
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      As someone very much in the health issues camp, here's my suggestion.... If you can set it up in one of those car storage bags for a...
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      ck80 replied to the thread HELP NOS Automatic climate control.
      I can say this much, it's not the 80s version the regals and rivieras used. Those looked like this,: Converting over isn't for the...
      • 1721659795080.png
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      ck80 replied to the thread Gray Man, Inc..
      Read up on just how bad the Toyota schemes were. It went beyond emissions. They even had third parties manipulate fuel injection...
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      ck80 replied to the thread Gray Man, Inc..
      Get palm fronds. If the women folk want to keep breaking cars and expect you to fix them, then can fan you while you wrench....
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      ck80 replied to the thread Gray Man, Inc..
      All joking aside that sort of stopped being a thing about 10 to 15 years ago, at least compared to the way it used to be. Some are...
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      ck80 replied to the thread Tires.
      You're changing wheel size anyways, so, here's what you're faced with: 1) what look do you want; and connected... 2) how do you want to...
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      ck80 replied to the thread WANTED Miscellaneous parts needed.
      I actually think he is a NOS pusher... New old smack...
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      First and foremost, the e.f.e. unit was a gm attempt to improve cold start/idle issues on the automatic choke computer controlled carbs...
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      ck80 reacted to SS_Malibu's post in the thread System Update Info / Bugs / Etc. with Like Like.
      I don't know enough to know if there are any bugs or not. All I know is the site looks different. I'm old and don't really like change...
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      Dumb question, but, when they're working on the carb, are they using modern manufactured, ethanol resistant parts for it and such...
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      ck80 reacted to Rktpwrd's post in the thread BUILD THREAD “The Juggernaut” with Like Like.
      I’m back from our mini vacation and right back in the thick of things. Vacation was awesome, just some much needed time away from the...
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      Congrats on a deserved win!
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