To all my Liberal Friends. Now that we have won the election it is time to shape the world according to our great left wing agenda. I say we find a way to start charging people to post on this site so we can make sure the government gets their taxes for it. Does anyone know the "real" identities of any of the Right Wingers on here. I want to make sure to get their names and adresses, so we can send them to the DNC Enforcement office. That way we can make sure they are paying their proper taxes (we can take their cars and redistribute them to the less fortunate), can go take their guns and bibles, and can force their wives and daughters to have abortions (I don't even care if they are pregnant or not, just make me abort something).
President Obama has been given a mandate and the UnAmerican people have spoke. This is our country now, lets redistribute it all. MWAAAAAAAAAH