(Not mine, I found this on the web and had to share. I know you will relate to this.) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tools - Who is this guy who wants to borrow my tools?
So you know the scenario. One of your friends or another technician walks up to you and wants to borrow your torque wrench or scan tool. You like the guy so you let him use it, and when he returns it, if he returns it, its filthy, has settings changed, or simply makes you go looking for him to get it back. This has been a problem that has plagued humanity for many years and after several years of contemplation, I have decided.............I have had enough of that crap!
The fact is that we spend thousands of dollars to buy and maintain our tools and equipment. I know know about you, but I do a very high volume of work, particularly in the area of diagnostics and drivability as well as vehicle programing, and need my tools and equipment in top shape! I also keep my tools clean, orderly and maintained. I look across the shop and see one of the other technicians dropping his ratchet on the cement floor when he is done using it or tossing his 1/2 drive impact into the bottom drawer of his tool cart and I cringe! I cringe, not because this guy is totally abusing his stuff, but because when it breaks, this a$$hole is gong to come and ask me to use my stuff.
What I have learned over the years is that most technicians can be divided into a few categories:
Technicians who have all the tools they need and buy those that they frequently use
Technicians who buy just the minimum amount of tools and borrow specialty stuff
Technicians who own every tool Snap-On makes, keeps them in their blow molded cases and never uses them, but borrows everyone else's stuff so he can keep his stuff nice and clean.
Technicians who abuse their stuff so badly that they are constantly using everyone else s stuff because their stuff is broken.
Technicians who are just too damn cheap to buy their own stuff
Technicians who think they can borrow your stuff but never think they have to do anything for you in return, or better yet, the very few times that they DO something for you, they milk that one event like they just donated you one of their kidney's.
So my questions are:
Why do we keep allowing these losers to continually inconvenience us because of their own inability to keep and maintain their own equipment?
Why do we continuously allow cheap skates to use our stuff?
Why would people who say they are your friends than rely on that friendship to continuously lean on us to use our stuff?
Why do we let these a$$holes borrow our stuff, than b*tch to everyone else except the person who keeps asking for them about it?
Now I could sit here and post situation after situation where someone I know pulls this crap, but the most astonishing thing I have ever seen is that these people truly think that they are above the act of humility. They think the whole world is their door mat, but don't think they have a duty or responsibility to reciprocate. They think that because you have two of something that you should give them one, even though you prefer to have two of them and can afford to have two of them. They are the guys who see that you have two screwdrivers and think that that entities them to borrow one of them, and not bring it back until you go looking for it, than whine that you have two and he has none, so why do you need it? These people are professional victims who live their life thinking that the world owes them a living and that they have it harder than everyone because.......well I don't know why! Maybe its because you have a batter hustle than they do, maybe its because you work harder than you do, maybe its because they think that you were given everything in life, maybe its because you had parents who taught you a work ethic and they didn't, who knows! The bottom line is that these people must be STOPPED!
How many times have you walked over to a friends tool box, went in there looking for something and saw a tool you loaned them months ago and forgot that you loaned it to them. They just assumed that because you forgot about it and never asked about it, that it has now become their tool. How about the same guy telling you that "you didn't ask for it back so I just assumed I could keep it." LOL!!!!!!! Than a few days later, they are right back trying to borrow more tools!
How many times have you loaned someone your scan tool and when it came back, it was all grimed up and the settings have been changed, scratches on the screen, connectors in a heap in the case?
How many times have you loaned someone a tool you bought and have not even used yet and it came back covered in grease and scratches or even broken. This happened to me a few weeks ago and when I asked the guy who borrowed a dead blow hammer from me and after a week, I had to go looking for it. When I finally got it back, it had a huge gouge in the face where he hit a tie rod end with it. I said "hey! WTF?" He responded, whatta ya bitchin for, its got a lifetime warranty! I felt like taking that hammer and busting his skull open right on the spot! A couple weeks later, I asked that same guy to come help me with a computer problem (he is pretty good with computers) and three weeks later, still no help! It wasn't until he needed something else that he even brought up my computer, which had already been fixed by someone else.
I think its time that we started cutting off people who are playing these games and started simply saying no to people who refuse to just reach into their pockets and pay the money just like you did! I think its time for these deadbeats to stop feeling sorry for themselves and take responsibility for the fact that the world does not owe them a living, nor do you! Perhaps they need to get better educated and start taking some responsibility for their lousy way they have run their lives. I don't know but one thing I do know is that I teach my students to buy, care for and maintain their tools. I teach them NOT to borrow their tools out and be very outspoken towards those who continually ask to borrow tools and equipment. Most of all, I tell them to STOP feeling guilty because they told someone to go get a fu<king life and buy their own stuff instead of borrowing yours!
For years, I have had to keep a separate tool box full of loaner tools to keep other deadbeats and their dickbeaters away from my good tools. I rolled that toolbox into my school and gave those tools away! I don't need them any longer! I have posted on my tool box that I no longer loan out tools.
Now I am not talking about those of us who borrow a tool, use it, than immediately return it as clean or cleaner than when you got it. This kind of behavior is totally acceptable. Not everyone in the shop is going to have a water pump socket for a Northstar or a 4 wheel drive hub removal tool or a cam sprocket kit, but jeez! Cant some of these deadbeats who are always borrowing tools spend a little dough after they have had to borrow the same thing more than a couple times to buy their own? Isn't it funny how the guy with the biggest tool box (also the biggest debt with the tool truck guy) seems to always be the guy with the least tools to put in it?
If you really think about it, this is truly a Freudian field day! You know, the type of people who do this kind of stuff. One has to wonder what their parents did to them to make them the kind of people who, first, do these things in the first place, than are seemingly oblivious to the fact that their whole sense of right and wrong is completely fractured. One of the reasons that we live in such a crappy society in the United States is that we have tolerated these a$$hats for way too long! We have allowed these sub-standard personalities and professional deadbeats to become more the rule than the exception. With this in mind, I think its time that we started telling these deadbeats to stop playing the professional victim card and start acting like adults and take some responsibility for their own lives and success.
I hope that you found this reading experience as therapeutic as I did writing it. If you are the victim of one of these bozos than you exactly what I am talking about. Feel free to share you stories of deadbeats and I will be happy to post them on my guide. If your one of the abusers that I am writing about, get a frigging life and quit thinking that you can go through life on everyone else's dime! Go buy your own tools and equipment and stop acting like the world owes you a living.
So you know the scenario. One of your friends or another technician walks up to you and wants to borrow your torque wrench or scan tool. You like the guy so you let him use it, and when he returns it, if he returns it, its filthy, has settings changed, or simply makes you go looking for him to get it back. This has been a problem that has plagued humanity for many years and after several years of contemplation, I have decided.............I have had enough of that crap!
The fact is that we spend thousands of dollars to buy and maintain our tools and equipment. I know know about you, but I do a very high volume of work, particularly in the area of diagnostics and drivability as well as vehicle programing, and need my tools and equipment in top shape! I also keep my tools clean, orderly and maintained. I look across the shop and see one of the other technicians dropping his ratchet on the cement floor when he is done using it or tossing his 1/2 drive impact into the bottom drawer of his tool cart and I cringe! I cringe, not because this guy is totally abusing his stuff, but because when it breaks, this a$$hole is gong to come and ask me to use my stuff.
What I have learned over the years is that most technicians can be divided into a few categories:
Technicians who have all the tools they need and buy those that they frequently use
Technicians who buy just the minimum amount of tools and borrow specialty stuff
Technicians who own every tool Snap-On makes, keeps them in their blow molded cases and never uses them, but borrows everyone else's stuff so he can keep his stuff nice and clean.
Technicians who abuse their stuff so badly that they are constantly using everyone else s stuff because their stuff is broken.
Technicians who are just too damn cheap to buy their own stuff
Technicians who think they can borrow your stuff but never think they have to do anything for you in return, or better yet, the very few times that they DO something for you, they milk that one event like they just donated you one of their kidney's.
So my questions are:
Why do we keep allowing these losers to continually inconvenience us because of their own inability to keep and maintain their own equipment?
Why do we continuously allow cheap skates to use our stuff?
Why would people who say they are your friends than rely on that friendship to continuously lean on us to use our stuff?
Why do we let these a$$holes borrow our stuff, than b*tch to everyone else except the person who keeps asking for them about it?
Now I could sit here and post situation after situation where someone I know pulls this crap, but the most astonishing thing I have ever seen is that these people truly think that they are above the act of humility. They think the whole world is their door mat, but don't think they have a duty or responsibility to reciprocate. They think that because you have two of something that you should give them one, even though you prefer to have two of them and can afford to have two of them. They are the guys who see that you have two screwdrivers and think that that entities them to borrow one of them, and not bring it back until you go looking for it, than whine that you have two and he has none, so why do you need it? These people are professional victims who live their life thinking that the world owes them a living and that they have it harder than everyone because.......well I don't know why! Maybe its because you have a batter hustle than they do, maybe its because you work harder than you do, maybe its because they think that you were given everything in life, maybe its because you had parents who taught you a work ethic and they didn't, who knows! The bottom line is that these people must be STOPPED!
How many times have you walked over to a friends tool box, went in there looking for something and saw a tool you loaned them months ago and forgot that you loaned it to them. They just assumed that because you forgot about it and never asked about it, that it has now become their tool. How about the same guy telling you that "you didn't ask for it back so I just assumed I could keep it." LOL!!!!!!! Than a few days later, they are right back trying to borrow more tools!
How many times have you loaned someone your scan tool and when it came back, it was all grimed up and the settings have been changed, scratches on the screen, connectors in a heap in the case?
How many times have you loaned someone a tool you bought and have not even used yet and it came back covered in grease and scratches or even broken. This happened to me a few weeks ago and when I asked the guy who borrowed a dead blow hammer from me and after a week, I had to go looking for it. When I finally got it back, it had a huge gouge in the face where he hit a tie rod end with it. I said "hey! WTF?" He responded, whatta ya bitchin for, its got a lifetime warranty! I felt like taking that hammer and busting his skull open right on the spot! A couple weeks later, I asked that same guy to come help me with a computer problem (he is pretty good with computers) and three weeks later, still no help! It wasn't until he needed something else that he even brought up my computer, which had already been fixed by someone else.
I think its time that we started cutting off people who are playing these games and started simply saying no to people who refuse to just reach into their pockets and pay the money just like you did! I think its time for these deadbeats to stop feeling sorry for themselves and take responsibility for the fact that the world does not owe them a living, nor do you! Perhaps they need to get better educated and start taking some responsibility for their lousy way they have run their lives. I don't know but one thing I do know is that I teach my students to buy, care for and maintain their tools. I teach them NOT to borrow their tools out and be very outspoken towards those who continually ask to borrow tools and equipment. Most of all, I tell them to STOP feeling guilty because they told someone to go get a fu<king life and buy their own stuff instead of borrowing yours!
For years, I have had to keep a separate tool box full of loaner tools to keep other deadbeats and their dickbeaters away from my good tools. I rolled that toolbox into my school and gave those tools away! I don't need them any longer! I have posted on my tool box that I no longer loan out tools.
Now I am not talking about those of us who borrow a tool, use it, than immediately return it as clean or cleaner than when you got it. This kind of behavior is totally acceptable. Not everyone in the shop is going to have a water pump socket for a Northstar or a 4 wheel drive hub removal tool or a cam sprocket kit, but jeez! Cant some of these deadbeats who are always borrowing tools spend a little dough after they have had to borrow the same thing more than a couple times to buy their own? Isn't it funny how the guy with the biggest tool box (also the biggest debt with the tool truck guy) seems to always be the guy with the least tools to put in it?
If you really think about it, this is truly a Freudian field day! You know, the type of people who do this kind of stuff. One has to wonder what their parents did to them to make them the kind of people who, first, do these things in the first place, than are seemingly oblivious to the fact that their whole sense of right and wrong is completely fractured. One of the reasons that we live in such a crappy society in the United States is that we have tolerated these a$$hats for way too long! We have allowed these sub-standard personalities and professional deadbeats to become more the rule than the exception. With this in mind, I think its time that we started telling these deadbeats to stop playing the professional victim card and start acting like adults and take some responsibility for their own lives and success.
I hope that you found this reading experience as therapeutic as I did writing it. If you are the victim of one of these bozos than you exactly what I am talking about. Feel free to share you stories of deadbeats and I will be happy to post them on my guide. If your one of the abusers that I am writing about, get a frigging life and quit thinking that you can go through life on everyone else's dime! Go buy your own tools and equipment and stop acting like the world owes you a living.