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79 drag car

Jul 6, 2011
so i have a 267 chevy and i dropped a lifter and have to ticking noise im pretty sure i know where the ticking is coming from but i never did this how hard would i be to fix this
your gonna have to take off you intake manifold to get to the lifter. then to get i tout you can use a magnet. you cant really replace one lifter, so while yer in there you might as well replace all the lifters. before ya just throw the new ones in ther ya gotta let them soak in oil for a period of time. im thinking over night but someone might chime in and let ya know the actual time ya need to let them soak. if youve never taken yer intake off before, label all your hoses and electrical connections so its easer to put back together. you can leave your carb on the intake just disconnect all the hoses and your throttle cable and your detent/downshift cable. after you label everything youll need to take the plug wires off your distributor. after you get them off(i hope yo labeled them) you can remove your whole distributor by removing a bolt and a small bracket and then pull straight up on the distributor. put it somewhere it wont get lost or messed up or dirty. what i did was wrap the shaft in paper towles. then you can start taking the intake bolts off and remove the intake and carb all together. you will need new intake manifold gaskets. 2 for between the intake and the heads and 2 rubber ones for the front and the back of the intake where it touches the block. now you can take off your valve covers and loosen your rockers enough to pull out your pushrods. to keep them orgainised stick them through a cardboard box lid and mark one part front for the front of the block and back for the back of the block and put the rods in there respective place. ok now that you have all these parts laying around, you can take a magnet and pull out the lifters one by one. then you can take your new soaked lifters and put them in.
now that youve got the new soaked lifters in you can start by putting the pushrods back in. i do suggest you get a oilpump primer tool.this will pump oil throught the engine because your gonna have to turn the motor over a few times to get proper valve lash. if you need to know how to do valve lash you can google it. its too much sh*t for me to tell you how to do it step by step, read a book or something... there is a break in procedure for your new lifters and they may have come with the package or you might have to look it up. and while your in there you could also swap out your cam for a newer/better one. jegs sells cam and lifter kits and if you call them they can help you pick the right one for your engine. for your new lifters after you do the valve lash you can start reassembly. so start by preping your gasket surfaces and the apply your front and rear intake seal and the do the ones on the heads. if your using some kinda gasket sealer let it set for like a minute or 5 to get to where its tacky then put the gasket/seal on and let it cure over night before ya start the car. and DONT USE TOO MUCH! if you use too much you can get it in places its not supposed to go. then hook up all yer hoses and other connections and you distributor. to hook up your dizzy correctly so it engauges your oil pump and is not 180 degrees off, google it. im a big advocate of getting a book and reading if ya cant tell. good luck.
beermonkey9417 said:
im a big advocate of getting a book and reading if ya cant tell. good luck.

And by "book", beer means beer. And by "reading", beer means chugging. 😀
pretty much what i figured thanks beer
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