LMFAO Epic fail

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My dad worked with a guy that changed his oil, and decided to start the vehicle with the oil plug off so it would shoot the rest of the old oil out. Talk about stupid. :lol:
megaladon6 said:
what do you guys think is stupider, the guy who tried to port his intake by putting sand in a running engine, this guy, the water through the running engine to flush the oil, or put you submission in here...

A few weeks ago I had a guy call me that needed a reverse reaction shell for a 4L60E. I told him I had one, then he asked me "Can I replace that with the transmission oil pan off?" I had to explain to this guy 5 times that the transmission had to come out and be disassembled in order to replace the part. After I explained it to him the 6th time, and was rather forward and stern with the tone of my voice, he says "So I can't just take the pan off and replace it?"

A friend of mine ended up doing a bench rebuild for this guy for cash, somehow the rocket scientist figured out how to remove the transmission. He bought some parts from me to repair it, and when I gave him a reciept he had the balls to ask me if I would give him a discount on the parts. I told him he's lucky I didn't charge him for wasting 20 minutes of my life the day before when he wouldn't listen to me regarding the repair he needed.
we had a customer call for us to tow and diagnose her jeep cherokee. we diag the fuel pump and call around for one. no go, the car is too new but the dealership can have one by tues (it was friday). i left her a message that we had the pump diagnosed and ordered for tues. i even said that it was only available from the dealer. she calls back, "when can i pick up my jeep" i figure that she didn't get the message and start to explain it. "i got your message, is my car done?" WTF! no, can't get the part till tues. "what if i go to the dealer?" it's a dealer part, it doesn't matter if you go, they don't have one closer than texas!! "but i need the car today" oh i'm sorry you'll just have to take your me/be. "but i wanted the jeep!" i had to explain to her, over and over that no one could have the part any earlier, then i had to explain it to her husband. thank god he had a clue. i explain it once, and he says "well, i guess we have to take the benz." :lol: and that wasn't even the stupidest customer we had.
megaladon6 said:
what do you guys think is stupider, the guy who tried to port his intake by putting sand in a running engine, this guy, the water through the running engine to flush the oil, or put you submission in here...

I think this guy is the dumbest.

But I like the sand in the intake the best :mrgreen:

I'm gunna get some power outa this sand....heeellls ya

why can't these idiots take videos and post them on you-tube? they'd be instant celebrities. :lol: and i'd love to hear/see the sand hit the turbo!
1slo5oh said:
First step.....fill it full of 90w

second step.....craigslist

Third step......pray you get somebody who knows as much about cars as
you do to come buy it
OMG...I was rolling!!!

I think the OP was just trolling everyone. Awesome read though. Great post!
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