Looking For Some Speciality Auto Parts Thieves

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Site Admin
Feb 25, 2005
Rolla, MO
This was on the news today in the Tulsa OK area, so maybe we can help this guy out. If you see the parts in question show up on ebay or elsewhere be sure to let somebody know... Dislcaimer: I don't know the guy or even know where this shop is, but that just sucks!


A Tulsa auto parts store owner had more than $10,000 worth of specialty parts stolen recently. It happened just as he was in the process of adding a metal fence with razor wire on top, because of previous thefts.

News on 6 crime reporter Lori Fullbright explains how you can help crack the case.

The Tulsa store handles parts for classic muscle cars. It's hidden away in east Tulsa, doesn't even have a sign on the front door, yet, someone found it and made off with a large haul.

The Phillips family has been in the auto parts business in Tulsa for decades. Many things have changed along the way, including having to deal with an increasing number of criminals.

In the past, they've taken wheels and fenders and were caught selling them for scrap weight. Steve Phillips: "We ended up prosecuting him and that deal was done and that's when I started putting up the fence and razor wire and all that, to protect that part, and while it was in the process, is when the shop got broke into."

This time, they cut the phone line to disable the alarm and came inside and helped themselves to thousands of dollars worth of tools and parts, including some original, unique pieces. "Mainly these 11 restored tilt columns for GTO, Chevelles, early Camaros and Firebirds, similar to this, all rebuilt, new switches, ready to go."

Steve Phillips also lost a couple of unique car parts that are for classic muscle cars. He hopes everyone will take a good look at the parts and the tilt columns and know they're stolen, if someone tries to sell them on the streets. "That's why I wanted you to come out, so we can catch and prosecute em. I'm sure I wasn't their first and I doubt I'll be their last."

Steve says stealing such unique and specialized items may work against these guys as they try to unload them.

He plans to offer $500 of his own money in addition to the Crimestoppers reward. They'll pay up to a thousand dollars for anyone who calls 596-COPS with information that helps Tulsa Police make an arrest in this case.

In the meantime, Steve will finish the razor wire fence and has upgraded his alarm system.
That sucks! Its too bad when its a small family owned company like that, its like ripping off an old lady! They'll probly get caught trying to pawn off the parts. :?
Sad thing is many people don't care where their parts came from as long as the price is right. My guess would the thieves had a buyer before the parts were taken.
Thats just wrong. Period. I hope they got prosecuted, go to jail, and since Bubba is a car enthusiast, he takes all his frustration out on his new roomie. I hope they catch them. And that Alarm was outdated anyway, when the connection was severed, the Police should have been called immediately. Check how your Alarm System works.
It almost sounds like an inside job... They knew how the alarm was set up, and what was inside. If it wasn't open to the public how could anyone know what was inside? But either way its too bad! :?
Damn..All i can say...
makes my post really lame. no one likes that news. what's the difference between a horse thief and a car thief, they hanged horse thieves!
Any kind of theft really pisses me off, but the thing that really makes me see red is when tools are stolen (just a one liner in this story).

Most people who don’t make a living as a mechanic don’t realize the expense that is tied up in a mechanics tool box. It’s the only profession I can think of where an employee is EXPECTED to provide $20-50,000 worth of his own equipment in order to have a job. In the vast majority of cases the tools are not insured or only insured for a fraction of their replacement cost. When a person steals a mechanics tools they are literally stealing his livelihood.

As far as the parts go this probably wasn’t done by scrappers, the parts will likely show up at swap meets and on non-local CL ads.
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