I'm looking for a good way to lower my rear. I've boxed the control arms and already have hotchkis lowering sport springs. My problem is that I've lowered the front about 3 inches and now my 78 malibu has a stinkbug stance. It took about 200lbs in the trunk to get the stance I'm looking for. I'm not lowering my malibu for looks alone. In fact, handling is more important to me and I go by the thought that lower is better for going around corners. I don't want to go the airbag route because of the extra weight and price. I was thinking of cutting the pitail off and rewelding it at a better angle. I know heating spring changes their strength, so I was going to cut it with my chop saw and put the spring in a bucket of water when i weld to keep it cool. Does this seem realistic or stupid? I saw elsewhere on this forum people talking about moog springs. Do they lower the rear that much? Has anybody have experience with opg springs?