Mind warping music videos

If you like Steve Vai you MUST love this outrageous scene from 'Crossroads'.
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Was more intrigued by Malmsteen. Considering the amount of time that has passed between when this was first played and now, and how well it has endured over time, i find it almost reprehensible that local radio stations would not give it air time, mostly because it did not fall into the "three minute" format that they were supposed to comply with, as well as not espousing main stream, socially acceptable thoughts and norms.

The last Malmsteen recording that I found last night was a pure non-verbal musical essay. Catch was the length. This guy puts some serious time on his tunes. Somehow I gotta figure out a way to ship my videos out to the big screen so i can watch them in comfort instead of the mundane and mediocre cr*p that seems to infest the TV almost incessantly these days.
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