Mind warping music videos

Yup, the Dark Side was the song that broke up the Cruisers. Eddie wanted the band to evolve and one of his band mates was stuck in the 50's.

As for losing Jimmy Buffett, someone hoist a margarita in his memory for me.

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"Chicago LOOP FM. Steve Dalh had the Coho Lips anti-disco show". Wish there had been something like that up here. The shlock rock stations were firmly wedded to disco, to the almost total exclusion of anything more interesting or intense. If it wasn't Donna Summer or a variant thereof, it went nowhere. The amount of social censorship attached to what got played and what didn't was brutal and relentless. The local, self-elected moral minority was bound and determined to inflict itself on everyone at all times and must have spent countless sleepless nights dreaming up stupid ways to try to control what the masses got to hear and see. The soi-disant "Legion of Decency" was just one level of stupidity on their way to complete assininity.

If you got far enough away from humanity that urban frequencies couldn't interfere, then it was possible to scan for WLS Chicago. The atmospherics had to be just right to get the skip needed to tune them in.

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Not sure.. All through high school listened to Dr Demento on Sunday night. Chicago LOOP FM. Steve Dalh had the Coho Lips anti-disco show.
WLUP 97.9FM. Still have my Loop shirt. My father was a Steve and Gary freak. Do you remember disco demolition at Comiskey Park? I grew up a few blocks from the park and my parents still live there.
I remember all the complaints after they blew up the stack of disco albums on the pitchers mound.

Some folks just don't have a sense of humor.
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I remember all the complaints after they blew up the stack of disco albums on the pitchers mound.

Some folks just don't have a sense of humor.
You got in free if you donated a disco record. And the game was canceled after the explosion. Not that it couldn't be cleaned up, but fans went berserk and destroyed the field.
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Ironically I was in dance in high school for PE. Actually ended up as a good dancer. But the best reason was the girls. My dance partner hardly ever wore a bra..., that was really nice.
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So that makes the count at least four, Robby Robertson, Jimmy Buffett, and Steve Harwell, and now Gary Wright

After that Sinead O'Connor, Bob Barker,

And then some, "Ell if I know" names that someone else might recognize.

And the year ain't over yet...............................

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