Mind warping music videos

One thing I took home with me from Germany was a love for Suzi Quatro. She was tearing up Europe long before getting any airplay here. One of a kind for sure.
Yo, Bonnewagon, a little Liliac to start the day????

And perhaps just one more

Oh, what the heck, just one more that just popped up


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Anyone remember Gus Gossert? He was on WPIX-FM here in Shitty City back in the late 60's-early 70's. I have a couple of the oldies albums he put together. Many were taken from his live shows at the Brooklyn Academy of Music. He was into oldies before anyone. Our Saturday nights were all about brewskies and the curly headed kid in the second row. Best was his Brooklyn vs The Bronx doo wop competition. Acappella night. Girls names night. He had records no one ever heard before.

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