Mind warping music videos

R.I.P. Scott Kempner. The Dictators were punk. The Dell Lords were Good 'ol Rock and Roll.
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I think this one fits the bill !
So since it has been more than a micro-second or two since this thread got any action, Wakey, wakey, hands off snakey.................

Was doing an browser list import and some editing of the oldest and likely to be defunct urls when I came across this. Pure melodies, mostly Enjoy.

And then for something just ever so lightly different..............

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Nick- of course we all knew 'Rumble', but I did not connect that to Link Wray until Robert Gordon performed with him. Good 'ol fashioned rock and roll!
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Dude, there is only so much bread in the bag and if you keep eating the slices you won't have any left to turn into crumbs so that you can leave a trail behind you................

Of all the things I've lost, I miss my piece of Red 3M Scuff it pad the most. Having it go mia after just using it this afternoon to knock down the lumps in that Coat of Rust Mort meant I had to go and find the bag that had the 3M Scuff it pads in it and that did not want to be found and not only had the bag gone awol but my mind elected to take an unscheduled detour as well. (And then there is that persistent smell of smoke and pork being bbq'd that just won't go away...........)

This is sort of neat for a guitar gun fight.

And this is a variant on something or other

And for the Friday Night Lights...............


and again

Wake Up!!

And just because I know you love 'em so much...................


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