Building my new motor, swapping the transmission from a 350 to a 400, I'm thinking I want to change my mufflers! They are 8 years old, and are in great shape.......they are just way too loud! I want to say they are a 50 series race muffler from Flowmaster. I'm guestimating a tad over 500hp, and low to mid 11's with the new motor so I need a muffler that can handle it but I'm also looking to quiet it down a bit. The old motor was 10 1/4:1 comp, and I'm guestimating the new one somewhere in the ballpark. Headers are Hooker Super Comp, 1 7/8 primaries and exhaust is 3" inch and exits behind the rear tire. There is also no "X" pipe or "H" pipe.
Any suggestions or info would be greatly appreciated 😀
Any suggestions or info would be greatly appreciated 😀