my debit card number got stolen-***#$$%!!

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Sep 7, 2009
i checked my acct. today after i had all these email receipts from online co.'s it added up to about 24.00 w\more charges pending.i cancelled my card on the phone,and am going to the bank tomorrow and cancelling the checking acct. before more charges come in.i dont know where or how,they had all my info.address, name,cell phone no.card number.and said it happened yesterday afternoon.all online.i didnt do it.
i went to three autozones and purchased at two of them.getting a flex fan and spacer kit.then i went to walmart and bought!!!! i had an order waiting at one online store that sells elcamino parts,waiting since 5-14-10,with no parts sent yet and seemingly no prospect of them being sent ever.i have no idea how this happened,everything charged to my card was done online!
i have avast for virus and spybot sd for the rest.seems like someone sold my info or idfk.i called one number and the foriegn lady said "one minute please"the 57.91 is non-refundable aftr she had said it would be cancelled.she knew it was stolen.i tols her to go ******* herself and i had cancelled the card and they aint getting paid anyway.trick!
now i dont want to buy online anymore,but the stuff i buy is mostly for my mc.


G-Body Guru
Oct 13, 2009
Don't use a debit card for online because the money comes directly out of your account. Use a credit card because you don't have to pay it until you are ready. And if it gets stolen, the banks are good about not making you pay.


Sep 7, 2009
i called the claims dept. at my bank today.and filed a dispute on all those charges.she said it sounded like my computer got hacked.gave me credit back for 1 charge that went through.all the others have been filed on,waiting till they go through.i feel that i got hacked thru my yahoo email someone who knows what they are doing.
or someone sold my info.i'm at a loss for explanations.i dont have any credit cards,didnt need them.have been buying stuff online for years,from canada to california to sussex england.never had a problem

78 salon

May 3, 2009
Brookfield, Ill
Got a letter from a med. records co. a couple of months ago. Turns out they had a break in and someone stole a portable hard drive, among other things. Had tons of personal info, financial records and med. files for lots of people on an unencrypted drive.I had to go through the hassle of getting a new card, changing all of my billing info w/utilities and others. What a PITA.


Master Mechanic
Mar 20, 2008
We have had this happen on several occasions.

One of the reasons I maintain several accounts and debit cards. When One gets shut down it sure cramps yer style.

Just go down to your institution and notify them of the breech. No reason to even contact the places your card was used. Dispute the fraudulent transactions and move on. I have always been credited and a new card issued.
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