I'll go with 18's or 19's, if they fit without lifting it. Nothing chrome, but maybe silver. I'm not much for large chrome wheels on anything. I would also paint the mirrors satin black like the window trim is. It would work as more of a minimalist statement that way. Also, maybe lower it 1-2 inches. Oh, and this is one of the few cars I would like to see a billet grille on. That way, you lose the cheesy Malibu emblem and clean it up visually. Last but not least, paint the muffler and anything hanging below the body black (suspension, exhaust, lines and cables, etc.). Leave the polished tip, but the rest of it should be blacked out. You also want to do your wheel wells in black in about 2-3 weeks. I'd also do behind the grille in flat black as well. You want to make the trim and main elements pop, and black does an excellent job hiding anything that is hanging down, etc. I do this on every car I paint, and I also do the frame of my truck every year to clean it up. You'll be surprised how much of a difference it makes. Just wait until after it is cut and buffed so that you don't have to do it again.