New York City to ban private use of Geiger counters, etc.

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Sep 1, 2006
Tampa Bay Area
Normally, I would not use the ultra-left Village Voice as a source, but this is just such a odd thing that I thought it worthy of posting. New York City it seems, wants to ban the private use of Geiger counters, indoor air quality monitors and any other device that could give the ordinary citizen information to protect themselves. You would have to be licensed, etc if you wish to own one. Frankly, I don't see why this is really necessary. They say it is to prevent panic--but we have seen no such panic from this information being public. Furthermore, I do not like the idea of a central authority being the only source of information. These devices cause no immediate harm to anyone when used wrong or right. All they do is help by providing critical information. Is it 1984 yet?,thompson,78873,2.html

(I found this while researching Geiger counters as I have always thought it would be novel to own or build one.)


G-Body Guru
Jun 22, 2007
I think 2014 will be the year.

I dont know what to say. The banning of the devices is so absurd, I cant really think of anything.
Sep 1, 2006
Tampa Bay Area
Yeah, it makes me want one all the more now. I figure if I get it now, there will be no record of it and if FL ever follows suit, no one will know I have this "panic" causing tool.


Feb 16, 2008
I had seen a show on discovery or history channel about a train hub with generators and such located below grand central station it was used in ww2 for troop movements, electric power supply for the eastern sea board etc.. I wonder if they are building or planning something as big if not bigger below ground? like nuclear power plant or ammunitions dump something to that form they don't want people to find out about.


Comic Book Super Hero
May 29, 2006
Danbury, CT
I wonder if they are building or planning something as big if not bigger below ground? like nuclear power plant or ammunitions dump something to that form they don't want people to find out about.

if you want to hide something you do not build it underground in NYC, not these days!! you build it in the middle of staten island :lol:

we are talking about the village voice here. someone probably said it as a joke. if it's true it's just another attempt to get money by the city selling permits. no one will listen to it.
Sep 1, 2006
Tampa Bay Area
I'm just irritated that governmental entities seem to want to restrict more and more things the public can do. From environmental laws to code enforcement to Mc Cain/Feingold, it seems that life is getting incrementally more and more restricted. I do not think it is a ploy to cover-up any given thing, just another restriction on the choices available to the average man. I also oppose most gun control for the same reasons. Unless someone is bringing harm to another, there is no real reason the government should be interested in what someone is doing.


Royal Smart Person
May 13, 2007
Pratt, KS
wow sounds pretty dumb. i agree it's probably just a ploy to get more money but still stupid that they have the laws
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