Make sure you have a good fuel system, the last thing you want to do is run the engine lean while spraying. Back off your total timing a few degrees. A colder set of spark plugs doesn't hurt as well. Check your plugs often for little specs of aluminum burned in to the porcelain (spark plug). If you see specs, your running too lean and starting to burn up Pistons, and or are getting a little crazy with your set up.
I like to use a WOT switch as well, this way there is less of a chance of turning it on under part throttle.
Another thing, please don't use a torch to bring bottle pressure up.....I have seen people do this and it's incredibly stupid. 900 PSI ( pounds per square inch) of a oxidizer, plus a flame.....and you have a good recipe for a explosion.
Nitrous is a great way of adding power, as long as you are smart about it.