Bonnewagon, thank you for all the help man.
This quad has got the best of me. I fired it up today hoping to try tuning it in, and it ran like a wet turd. when i throttle it hard it chokes and spits through the carb. Doesn't backfire but just spits. Another thing is i can hear a "popping-ish" sound, more like a crackle in the exhaust, can't tell which side. It's not consistant.
Now it is 39-40 degrees here in PA right now, but i did let it warm up for about a minute.
Ignore all of that though, here's the two important factors. 1. It fluctuates by about 50-80 RPMs, between 900-1000.
At the same time, vaccum gauge readout goes as, it seems like 18 is the 'medium' where it wants to stay at, but it will flutter between 18 to 19, and occasionally drop to 17 almost as often as it jumps from 18 to 19. btw this is a RUNNING TEST, i've done a cranking test and it holds solid 9, no fluctuation.
I know what that sounds like, but it's not a sticking valve, or vacc leak. The engine does hold solid compression on every cylinder so i know the rings are good. The timing is Dead on, and at 20 degrees right now. (new dizzy wires and plugs)
So that makes me think, bigger cam + carb adjustment ?