I would recommend against a Holley due to the noise. A Mallory with a return is what I run on everything from a 10 second race car to a 14 second driver.
As far as the fuel cell, here is how I did mine. I did not want to cut up the floor and don't like fuel ines and wiring hanging under my car.
Used shelf angle iron and it worked out real well, tubing would have been sexier but I had to use what was on hand. :lol: Could bolt it together for welding and mounting hole were already there.
Another view:
Full flow 180s:
One small hole drilled with a hole saw for the fuel line going out, later install a rubber grommet:
Pretty much done:
The right side fitting on top is the vent that later got a line that goes under the floor and out the back of the car per NHRA . The left side is for the return.
By mounting the tank "up high" the pick up of the fuel pump is alway "under pressure" from gravity, more so off the line when 8 gallon of fuel is trying to get out the sump.
Also being mounted like this fuel will feed to the regulator upfront just by gravity.I acually have to plug the lines if I remove the carb!!!
Pulling 1.40s 60 foots never saw the fuel pressure even wiggle.
Another advantage of the mounting is you get a little cantilever effect to help launch .