Please consider voting Gary Johnson

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G-Body Guru
Jul 10, 2008
Newtown PA
As it stands today either Romney or Obama is going to win. Also most people might not even know who Gary Johnson is. Well first off I ask if you would take a look at voting Gary Johnson. Now voting third party is not a wasted vote. Your voting for the best person you feel is right for the job. Also your vote could make history this election cycle if you do decided to vote for Gary Johnson. [youtube]FP69507fTKY[/youtube]
GARY JOHNSON - America Needs A Handyman - YouTube
Now if you watched the debates or listen to what Mitt Romney or Obama say about fixing the economy there plans are not going to stop it completely. All they are going to be cutting is imposed increases. The debt is still going to be going up every year. They both do not want to talk about real cuts since they are bought and sold by 1% companies. Something we need to do in my option is
- End the fed
The FED keeps printing money and then does whatever with it without government knowing or tell the American people were the money went. Them printing more money increased the debt.
- End some government branches like the EPA and No Child Left Behind
Some of these government branches are doing basically doing nothing and just wasting are tax dollars on them. They also help with the debt going up
- Foreign aid
One of the biggest problems we have with are countries debt is Foreign aid. The problem with it is not really used for defense spending as the Gov tells us. It is used to help out other country build roads, homes, hospitals, embassies and propping up there government. Also trying to buy there friendship with money. Obama or Romney will not talk about this at all.
Now ^ those are some of the big thing that is contributing to the debt the most yet Romney or Obama want to do anything with them. They do not talk about them at all. They both get Money from the 1%. Since the 1% has some ties with the FED and some government branches they will not ever do anything with them.
Now Gary Johnson would
- End the FED
- Get ride of Foreign aid
- End the IRS, income tax, corporate tax and impose the
-Cut some branches of government and some branches reduce spending 43% with some like the EPA.
Now when will you ever hear Romney or Obama talk about anything like this on the debate? You never will because they never will do it. They want to Keep things going as they are without any change. Who is to say one day Obama or Romney tell us all to have to give up are older cars and have to buy news cars that get x amount of Miles Per Gallon.
Now I said in the beginning voting Gary Johnson could make history. If Gary Johnson and the libertarian party gets 5% voting in this election cycle the GOP and DEM has to spread some campaign money they get from the government to the Libertarian party. That is up to 20-70 million. That in its self would get on the ballot in all states, Money to promote there candidate better, and get people more familiar with the Libertarian party and what they stand for. So your vote this year could change history!!!

in conclusion I know people have different views on certain issue and no one agrees with someone about everything, but we need to do something NOW to fix the economy. That is why I support Gary Johnson since he is the only one on the ballot in 49 state to give actual plans to fix the debt NOW!!
I align more with the libertarian party and Gary Johnson than with any other candidate and would line up for him in an instant if he stood a chance. IMHO however, if I were to vote for Gary Johnson I might as well vote for the candidate I dislike the most, because now my second choice would have one less vote. This will be a historic election that will decide the direction our country will take for many years to come, and I want to believe I had a part in that decision. So although I appreciate your conviction, until a third party candidate is actually in a position to be competitive, you are just throwing away your vote on that candidate.
I agree. although he may have some good ideas and I'm not thrilled with the options for this election, a vote for a candidate that has no chance in an extremely polarized election would be throwing the vote away. This is an election that will define the direction of this country for years to come.
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