Looking to buy a 1984 el camino from craigslist. Below is what the previous owner has said about the motor. Please give me some insight about this motor. Pros? Cons? Approximate horsepower and what I should do to it if it purchase. Thank you very much..
These are the specs from the previous owners build he says the motor was out of a 1968 Chevrolet Malibu /Bore is 4.030. Stroke 3.750. Cubic inches 383. Compression 10 to 1. Roller rockers. Cam is a 510 lift Timing chain crane. Edelbrock intake. Carburetor is a 750 double pumper. S RP Pistons. 2500 stall converter, turbo 350 with shift kit. 373 rear gears.
These are the specs from the previous owners build he says the motor was out of a 1968 Chevrolet Malibu /Bore is 4.030. Stroke 3.750. Cubic inches 383. Compression 10 to 1. Roller rockers. Cam is a 510 lift Timing chain crane. Edelbrock intake. Carburetor is a 750 double pumper. S RP Pistons. 2500 stall converter, turbo 350 with shift kit. 373 rear gears.