I have an issue with plugs on the passenger side getting covered in oil. The #7 is the worst one and I had changed that valve seal 2 summers ago cause #7 was fouled with oil. I'm thinking it's not the valve seals cause the #7 seal was changed but it didn't help and there is no puff of oil starting the car, cold or hot. I was using some nice looking tall aluminum valve covers on my vortec heads and I tried various methods of adding baffles cause the breather had oil in the tube and the pcv was sucking oil. Today I removed the tall valve covers and installed the stock valve covers which have a nice long baffle almost down to the surface of the head. I think that will cure the oil get sucked up by the pcv but I'm wondering why it's only the passenger side of the engine and it's worse on #7 and less on each plug going towards the front of the engine. I put in new plugs today so they'll tell me in a week or 2 if the problem is persisting.