KrisW said:
Well, your argument does have an end, it seems.
We will have to disagree about this to the end of time. You feel it is better to go with communism and I am absolutely against it.
You feel that it is better to "spread the wealth" and I don't.
I would prefer capitalistic society that incorporates the needs of all its people, its sad that we have two parties of government that are so caught up in name calling and elitism that we can not cross party lines to make compromises… I personally don’t think a true fully communist or socialist government will work… its ideals have worked in the past in small nomadic groups and some larger tribes but that was out of necessity to survive unlike what is needed in a government today
The idea that the spread the wealth is not a new one or even a newly supported one… after the great depression there in placed many programs that used tax money to help those in need.. This was also the time in which the weight federal tax pain was ratified. At that time every one had felt what it was like to be in need and most where for helping the common man , since then we have forgotten that af
KrisW said:
Concrete and pebbles? I don't buy it. How about this one; If your boat is sinking and you have the chance to grab a rope and go to a better boat that is not sinking, do you go? Is it fair that your crappy boat is sinking? No. Can you fix it without tools and parts? No. Is it better to force the people in the good boat to fix yours so that it won't sink just to be "fair?" I don't think so. Take the help they are offering and go into their boat. When you reach land, work and get yourself your own boat and try again.
Sometimes you have to abandon ship and let the old boat sink.
You grasp the rope... the rope being opportunity to better your self, if you don’t go it is your fault and you desire to sink... but who throws out that rope unless your homeless, we criticize the welfare system (so do i but in different aspects... I believe your are for a compete dismemberment and i a reconstruction with new rules) but this and programs like it are the ropes you speak of...there are very few opportunities to hop on to the good boat just cuz, hopefully with motivation we can swim from the sinking boat and find a way to climb that bow of the big boat
Even though I like the analogy we can not view these as sinking ships that will just sink and never be seen again… this situation will continue to produce the negatives of society
Is it fair for the rich to pay more in taxes... no not really, but a government, any from of government cant substane on an equal tax amount for all... I would be better for an equal percentage rate but that would also cause uproar being that those who can not afford it and have no government assistance will likely fall in to poverty and leave our nation in a disaster… So IMO this system of taxazation is the best for the nation as a whole, and I don’t know of any others that would work better