I been really thinking about starting a Dallas/Ft. Worth metroplex G-body car club lately. I'm from Dallas and usally if you have a g-body car, you're most likely to have it sitting ridiculously high, or part of a lowrider club. I have a desire for niether. Me personally, I enjoy going fast (135mph+) and have being outran on the highway! I'm kind of going with the idea of it being mostly about the love of the G-Body and muscle. Mainly for people who love going fast in their car also. I'm sure I dont want a lowrider club but, since I'm clueless on the type of members thats around, I'm open to anyone who likes the idea and want to join... With that being said, If you live in the Dallas/Ft. Worth metroplex and interested in starting a club for the "g-body's", add me as a friend so we can swap ideas! I live in the "Pleasant Grove" area in Dallas so I'm near to all major highways! HIT ME UP!!!