ok i knew deep down inside this was going to happen. all lines are crap. it's gonna be replace everything in the brake system. i'll use current prop valve for my current disc/drum for now and go with the prop valve Mikester talked about for the disc/disc system in the spring. gonna get the bleed tool. i was thinking the current brake lines were a little newer, but no they were crap.
If youre going to replace everything just spend the few extra bucks and get another valve. Even if its only temporary. When I bled out the lines in my wagon I had the valve shut off the back lines. Couldnt bleed the system. That was before I bought one of those stupid plastic tools. Took the valve off the car and tried to reposition the valve. When I took the valve apart it was filled with crud and the springs inside were corroded. It was one of the newer brass replacement valves. It was a mess.
Thats how I found the cheap prices on ebay.