OK so I started laying everything out today, Im guessing map sensor goes to constant manifold vacuum, not sure where barometric sensor goes, do I need to hook up the carbon canister or the EGR? Other then the 2 plugs on the carb, the plug on the side of the trans, the o2 sensor and the one on the distributor, what else do I hook up to? Also On my wiring harness I have 2 ring terminals are both of them grounds or is one a positive? I tried to hook up a scanner to the ALDL today and It couldn't communicate, my check engine light is always on, so Im guessing I have no power to my ECM and don't know why. I pulled out the ECM and all the plugs are on it. The ECM harness has a clear plug that I hooked up the 2 black plugs that come from under the dash, is one of them power? Im trying to track everything down because the previous owner just cut the harness at the firewall and put a carb and HEI on there then he swapped in a turbo 350 because he couldn't get the 200 to work right. I now have 3.73 rear gears and a 200r4 so I am trying to get everything working right again. I got a good used harness, distributor, carb and a few sensors, from a couple of the guys on the forum.