question for the race exhaust on a street car people...

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Royal Smart Person
Supporting Member
Feb 28, 2005
Louisville, kentucky
whats the point in putting an overly loud exhaust on your street car? i ask this because we went to mcdonalds the other night and the guy behind us in an 80's camaro which ran like junk had to keep revving the engine up to keep it from dying and either had race mufflers on the car or no mufflers and thought taking that to a drive thru was a smashing idea.

the exhaust actually sounded good above idle but at idle it was just loud and sounded like crap.

so you people who put race exhaust parts on your street car....whats the point? just want everyone in a 5 mile radius to know you're out and about getting cheese burgers at McD's?
it sounds like a case of crappy car trying to sound more then what it will ever be.

there is nothing wrong with changing the exhaust for better flow but there is a case of too much flow and just done wrong.

I cant stand cars like that so your not alone.
:rofl: I'm guilty of this, back when I was in highschool, my exhaust fell off from the cat back, so I left it that way, until I parted the car out :lol: .
I suppose it's a personal choice. Some people don't like certain colors of cars. Some people don't like hearing other people's loud thumping music. Some people don't like seeing people driving inefficient gas-guzzling old cars. And of course, some car enthusiasts are annoyed by certain things that other car enthusiasts like. Thankfully, it's America. For every instance where Person A doesn't like something that Person B does, there's an instance where Person B does something that Person A doesn't like, and they both have to deal with it. When I find myself annoyed with what the next guy is doing, I just smile, nod, think "what a jerk", and move on.
Oldsmoletick said:
:rofl: I'm guilty of this, back when I was in highschool, my exhaust fell off from the cat back, so I left it that way, until I parted the car out :lol: .

parting a car out is not driving it as parts are falling off... :mrgreen:

noise does not equal long as the exhaust can handle the cfm's that are flowing from the engine you're not loosing any power. I have 2 free flow cats and chambered SS mufflers plus I'm putting a H pipe in which will further quiet it down.
pontiacgp said:
Oldsmoletick said:
:rofl: I'm guilty of this, back when I was in highschool, my exhaust fell off from the cat back, so I left it that way, until I parted the car out :lol: .

parting a car out is not driving it as parts are falling off... :mrgreen:

It is if you're a jeep owner :rofl: :lol: hahahaha
I definitely wanted to go with a pretty quiet option when i put my build together so i choose magnaflows and if i had to do it again i would have tried to find something even quieter. They are kinda loud with no cats and with the new (kinda) lobey cam and i have to run my idle a bit higher with that, its a little too loud for my taste. At least i dont run flowmasters :lol:
My buddies K10 is true duals with cheapy mufflers no cats and it is loud. Sounds good but loud. At idle its not to bad but you do have to rev it every now and then due to the large cam. We try to be respectful like turning it off in a drive through or running in the next gear at night to cut back some noise.

When I hear it i blame the person and not the exhaust. Reminds me of guns. Guns can be a great tool its all about the person operating it.
G_Body_Enthusiast said:
whats the point in putting an overly loud exhaust on your street car? i ask this because we went to mcdonalds the other night and the guy behind us in an 80's camaro which ran like junk had to keep revving the engine up to keep it from dying and either had race mufflers on the car or no mufflers and thought taking that to a drive thru was a smashing idea.

You have to expect this sort of thing from people who drive 80's Camaro's. Did he have a mullet too?

I think the people who drive around with overly loud exhaust systems do it because they think it makes them look 'cool' when in fact it doesn't. Others do it because they think it makes their car faster when again it doesn't. It's the car equivalent of puffing out ones chest to make one look tougher.

When I was young I had a 64 Malibu with cherry bombs bolted directly off the headers. I did it because that's how the car came and I couldn't afford a real exhaust. I hated it. Even back then I thought driving with an overly loud exhaust sucked.
Oldsmoletick said:
pontiacgp said:
Oldsmoletick said:
:rofl: I'm guilty of this, back when I was in highschool, my exhaust fell off from the cat back, so I left it that way, until I parted the car out :lol: .

parting a car out is not driving it as parts are falling off... :mrgreen:

It is if you're a jeep owner :rofl: :lol: hahahaha

guilty as charged..
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