RFP: Separate Car Club Sections?

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Site Admin
Feb 25, 2005
Rolla, MO
(this is the idea I spoke of in that other thread)...

OK, here's the deal. I've gotten a lot of messages about the fact that there are a few car club's and individuals in there who make use of this forum to communicate with each other. A lot. I don't particularly have a problem with this at all, but at the same time I don't want to alienate those who don't really want to read all about it.

So. Here's my idea.

I'm willing to put a separate section of the site just for some of the car clubs that frequent here. I can even go as far as creating user groups for them, and locking those sections so only they have access if they want (more work on my part, but if it needs to be that way I will.) This would mean giving you guys your own club forum, and probably giving moderator powers to a couple people who represent those clubs.

Is this a good idea? Would you guys be up for this? Is there enough of this traffic to justify it? Note that this would obviously NOT be exclusive to any one particular club or type of club or organization. I can do this for any G-Body related organization with enough traffic/members to warrant it. Heck, it could even bring some more members and traffic to the site, which works for me :mrgreen:

Opinions? Flame away! 😉
Being a solo rider myself(Hope to be recruited after my build :wink: ) i think that this wouldn't be a bad idea. It getts tricky with the locking it up from non-member traffic though because other GBF members wouldnt be able to give feedback on the build threads or watever. But i guess that decision would be left to the Thread Poster. I think it may be a good way to bring those club members closer with any members that are far away and can't see progress of their other members. I just don't know if there are enough members on this site that are Club Members with alot of other GBF users excluding the 80'z Babies and GBodyNation guys. I plan on being a GBF user for a long time and wouldn't want it to be quiet for us non-club members in our threads.... But i would like to see exactly how many Clubs are actually on here. and like you mentioned GP, it may bring more traffic after other club members hearing about it
Think its a good idea. Don't think you should go that far, too much work(giving mod abilities and locking threads). I'm sure a section would be good enough. Everybody should still be able to view and post if they would like...Like a main 'car club's section, then sub forums for each club. I think that would be an awesome idea. I know the 80z babiez(sp?) will need one, as well as G-Body Nation. I'm on board with this idea though.
Club or special interest section, such as the DUB guys, etc... That way if I go over there and make fun of the car wheels they'd have a legit gripe. :mrgreen:
Seriously, I wouldn't do that, but those interested could go commiserate with like minded individuals. That way anyone starting trouble in that section would be obviously just stirring crap, because if one isn't interested in lowriders or donks stay away from that section. That wouldn't stop people from starting political or bash threads that might draw others in, but it would help keep the "I hate your taste!" crowd at bay. :wink:
Some of the guys in the clubs need to step in and say "yeah we want that! (and would use it)" and I'll do it.... otherwise it'd be pointless.
I think it's an excellent idea. Kind of combined forums in one. Let's face it, we all share a general interest in G-body cars. However, we do have specific interests when it comes down to various style aspects.

I say give it a go.
Sounds like a cool idea. I'm not in any clubs myself, but if I was this would be great.
its sounds like a good idea but atthe same time it feel as if WE(the car car club PPL) r bein blamed for things and although i cud carless what n e one thinks bout my car no matter what size rims i think the forum shud stay as is y shud u have to make a seperate section y cant the ppl who bash on someone car bcuz of there rim size jus learn to stay out the threads...JMO.....IM no fan of the big wheels but i dont bash ppls rides.. i like all rides on this site bcuz i LOVE GBODYS.. it might b something about a car i dont like but i dont go in there thread and ANNOUNCE it to the world..
This idea makes no sense (2 me).If a guy biulds a car and places it in for instance malibu section and his buddys chime in alot why should he be in the carclub section .Ive yet to see one thread about car clubs,i see guys who biuld car that happen to be in club and they get alot of support from there buddys.But I have yet to see a carclub hold a meeting in a thread and what will they do in this section..I dont understand it really I dont seems more like a segragation move to me.peace

So if I join a club will my el camino build go in the carclub section,someone please help me understand the reasoning behind this,im searchin through threads and cant find enough about carclubs to need they own thread,have yall seen the custom section seems real slack to me and filled with old threads.
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