papabearxl said:
....This used to be a very fun place to hang.....let's get it back to that. Keep your GBody rollin'! RANT over now.
Well, see, that's the big complaint I'm getting. (Not necessarily my opinion, but just being a messenger here)... That there are these "club guys" (no names plz) who are monopolizing topics and forums etc. just carrying on conversations. *shrug* Just telling you what I'm being told, and that's the reason its no longer a "fun place to hang".... *shrug again*
Can't please everyone, I realize that, but hey, can't hurt to try. So I'm trying to find some sort of compromise. Maybe its not needed. If the club guys don't want it (which is the vibe I'm getting), then this whole discussion is moot. No problem here. Just thought I'd throw it out there as an option, because I'd have no problem setting it up if you guys wanted it.