Ok I have a battery I know is bad but I used it anyway to start my 85 Cutlass w/ stock 307 project. I'm about to replace the battery in the next few weeks when my budget allows. However I noticed when I tried to jump the battery from two different cars absolutely nothing happened. Then I removed the entire batt from the car and manually put the battery on a wall charger on two separate occasions and when I put the battery back in the car it fired right up first turn of the key and ran perfectly. So my elementary question is obvious; which part of the ignition / starting system does this indicate should I also consider faulty besides the battery? I am sure some other component must be responsible for the strange fact that this battery would not accept a jump but fired up perfectly fine after being on the wall charger? The alternator seems to work but I don't have ampere at my house to verify and it's impossible to blame the alternator before I replace the entire battery. I am really hoping some other cheaper dollar part such as the neutral safety switch / fusible link might be responsible?