Road Rage

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Master Mechanic
Apr 4, 2008
Ok this was like 20 minutes ago lol, well i just had gotten out of work at mycollege i go to. Drivin down bay road 2 lanes heavy *ss traffic right, Well at a light the 2 lanes turn into one. and im bumper to bumper. Ok i sh*t u not guys right where the merge ends i see this car come flyin in rear mirror im like wtf hes just cuttin all of us off here no way, so as he was goin by tryin to cut between me and the car in front of me clearly like 2 ft between us i jerked my wheel to the right lol and locked up my brakes. Well he came like 2 foot from hitting me on the side and running his *ss off the road and hitting the guy in front of me lol. So i laid the horn in, and aout a mile later as im going to merge on the highway this guy has the nerve to whip into my lane and out as if to hit me or try to pull the stunt on him lol then things got better as we got to a red light as i turn to look at the 45 year old he does a gester as if hes going to punch me or upper cut me, im like man **** u dude u think that sh*ts funny cuting people off u got what u deserved, and ill kick your *ss blah blah blah. The he went to open up his door and i was just like **** u giving him the finger and drove off cuase cars were honkin at us both. lol as the light turned to green. Wtf is with some people man no brains and no respect.
wow,see thats why when i'm driving my cutlass i always carry the black tire iron in the passenger seat,even though no one around here really cuts people off and do sh*t like you described.BTW What were you driving,cause if i was in that situation and that person was to hit my cutlass,well i'd introduce him to my "Black beauty in the passenger seat" :rofl:
1/2" drive matco breaker bar here... my "attitude adjustment tool" :mrgreen:
I'm the oldest of 4, and 3 of us are boys. My middle brother is the only one of us that road rages. He gets ticked off by other drivers and he ticks off other drivers. Most of the time it is completely ridiculous and nearly always blown way out of proportion. Some personality types just thrive on strife. We hate riding with him, and we never have any sympathy for him when his behavior gets him into trouble or causes him aggravation.

Tinted windows are the best buffer you can have.
Yeah i was driving my monte carlo, and yeah i too have a bit of road rage sometimes but not taht day, sh*t i was just relaxing listening to the radio keepin cool with windows down. lol yep idk bout some people lol. w/e though yeah that woulda been funny if i got out with a breaker bar in my hand lol.
whats funny is, my wife always got upset with me when i'd get road rage... now that she has her licensce(she waited until she was 40 to get hers), she understands me a WHOLE lot better now! :mrgreen:
i weigh about 215 and im mostly muscle, so piss me offf and see what happens. my favorite is the pricks on motor bikes doing wheelies past me and then getting really pissed when i mash it and they cant pass. turbos make excellent equalizers, and besides, how long does it take to jump out of the car at the next red light and kick them and there crotch rocket over anyways?
Yeah i hear ya on the motorbike thing lol. I like when a car goes speeding by u in the other lane and then gets in your lane only to get off the next exit and u pass them as they are gettin off lol. I love t ospeed up when an asshat does that sometimes they will even miss their exit prolly cuase they dont have the brains to just slow down and get behind me then exit like a normal person. I usualy jus tspeed up and the person speeds up even more then ill just repeat lol its fun to piss idiots off. Another fav of mine are the guys who will pass like 6 cars all at once in a no passing zone witnissed a truck pulling a RV do that last month if oncoming traffic hadnt gotten off on the shoulder bye bye RV lol
we dont have money(percentage of people in my town) so we dont own or hell even know what bikes are!!!lol.I always have to deal with the "Stupid ricers".So many that try to "impress" me by driving on the wrong side of the road and trying to pass me to hurry to get to the autozone.shees,there's at least 25 in two of my neighbor towns,there's even a guy with a green eclipse like the one in fast and the furious,but it doesnt have decals on it and its not fast.I'm waiting to drive my paps 64 galaxie w/ a 390 and 3.00 gears next,than they'll all come like flys on sh*t to try and race me.Its funny too,because this galaxie is a puke blue,4 door,chrome dogdish hubcapped driver,the only thing they'd see to get a idea of the muscle of the car is the bald tires and factory duals.
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