I am also getting a roommate in the next week or two to offset costs and help me make a leap ahead in both lifestyle and energy efficiency. What that means is that the money I get from him will help me generate a small surplus, which I will use to improve my house's energy efficiency by replacing the 30 year old refrigerator and bringing my attic insulation up to R-50. That way, when he leaves, my costs will be lower and I will be more able to sustain my standard of living without the extra money. I am also selling off my AMC when I get it done, and then taking the Cutlass off the road to save money on insurance. Florida is one of the more expensive places to buy insurance, and I can really use the cash to do other things rather than keep tags on a car I don't need right now. I want it, but needs matter. I can always put it back on the road later once I have finished my around the house projects. I figure that by investing that money in the house by paying cash for stuff, I will own it when I am done and it will not have a permanent negative impact on my monthly expenses, but it will have a long term impact on my quality of life. I want to replace my windows, kitchen cabinets, and paint the house too with some of my extra cash. I may also see if I qualify for a mortgage payment reduction due to hardship as I am always late ( but not 30 days), and use some of that cash to finish the house as well. I figure that I may not be able to do everything my house needs up front, but by picking away at it in bits and pieces it will be done in about a year or so. This is the way I build my cars too, and is why they take forever to get done. However, I only buy materials and do not farm stuff out. That way, I can keep working on stuff little by little every day and have something to do to stave off boredom.
I'll also add that I do not go out anywhere anymore as it costs too much money. I don't enjoy drinking, so that saves cash, and I don't smoke. As for pot, I lost the ability to enjoy it years ago and quit. I'm also a virgin at 35, so women are not a cost issue for me since I have given up. Having no vices may be dull, but it is also quite cheap! I replace them with doing practical things instead, or reading about obscure facts in history and science.