I 'live' with my dad and still pay him rent. In reality I'm always at my girlfriend's apartment. I save money by not drinking when I go out. A six pack every now and then is only a few bucks, but its like 4-5$ for a damn shot of whiskey when I go out. I also have cut back on cigars (never got into the smoking cigs thing). I spend less on trips now, usually would take a few road trips during the year but that has stopped. I still take trips when the surf is nice to galveston which isn't too far. I guess you could say I'm kind of a bum... until I have a real salary job I really don't see the point in changing. I also don't care so much what people think of me and that I spend 70% of my budget on my cars :lol:
I also have loans that are staring me in the face, and just waitin to start massive interest. I try to keep that at the back of my mind all the time. I should be done with school in 2-3 years, who knows... at that time I should start at a nice position working r&d somewhere around houston in organic chem. I made the decision not to get my phd a while back, it's too much money for not enough return
I also have loans that are staring me in the face, and just waitin to start massive interest. I try to keep that at the back of my mind all the time. I should be done with school in 2-3 years, who knows... at that time I should start at a nice position working r&d somewhere around houston in organic chem. I made the decision not to get my phd a while back, it's too much money for not enough return