Self driving cars.

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G-Body Guru
Jun 1, 2012
I'm not too keen on this.

Clone TIE Pilot

Comic Book Super Hero
Aug 14, 2011
Galaxy far far away
Thinking about this some more, offroad 4x4s still have to have some form of manual control. However would self driving cars make performance obsolete? What would the point of having a 500 HP car if the auto driver won't drive any faster than a 120 HP car? Perhaps more powerful cars could have priority over less powerful cars, but would they bother building the system like that? This could reduce the hotrodding hobby to just track only cars and/or offroad. What happens if weather knocks out the self driving network, would people be stuck? What about marketing BS? Like the car constantly recommending busnesses for you to stop at and you have to keep pressing the no thanks button, otherwise the car will pull in.

The more I think about it the more I dislike it. The guys working on this are probably just a buch of computer geeks that don't like driving and rather be texting and playing games.


Royal Smart Person
Feb 20, 2008
I'm less disturbed by the prospect of self driving cars than the fact some of you guys write from the perspective of already having submitted to this idea. How would Paul Revere ride in a robotic car without alerting his foes? I'm still using flip phone like it's 04. I refuse to accept this so called 'progress'. Here, put on this straight jacket so it's even easier to roll over...

Clone TIE Pilot

Comic Book Super Hero
Aug 14, 2011
Galaxy far far away
I still use flip phones every so often, I don't own a smarthone nor do I want to.


Master Mechanic
Apr 1, 2014
Memphis, TN
565bbchevy said:
Do you think they will have a "dummy" steering wheel on one side so we can at least pretend we are driving.
Make mine 'little tikes'! Weeeeeeeeee! :mrgreen:


Clone TIE Pilot

Comic Book Super Hero
Aug 14, 2011
Galaxy far far away
^ That looks like fun, LOL.


Royal Smart Person
Jul 11, 2008
southside va/lake gaston
Sobering fact.....

30-40 THOUSAND PEOPLE DIE every yr on our roadways.....mostly due to poor decision making and lack of concentration, sleep, alcohol, drugs, is seldom the result of the car, unless you drive a

....and dont forget this little tid bit, every time we step on a commercial airliner, we are trusting a computer to fly it....(and its not because the pilot had too many in the cocktail bar with his favorite stewardess) .

If we can create the technology to fly rockets millions of miles into space and land on a meteorite, I think we can trust the designers and builders of the self driving car as a safe mode of transportation.

Dont get me wrong, it saddens me to think of a world without the freedom to drive all over and when and where I want. But our roads and bridges are so outdated and in need of major repair, so we have to do something. If we as taxpayers are not willing to buck up and pay for better infrastructure, then we will be left with a lot of tragedies to come. Im not sure that self driving cars will make a difference in that regard, but as the infrastructure fails or is replaced, the congestion will surely increase and the amount of frustration with it. Ok...Im done....

HAPPY NEW YEAR Gbody Members!!!


G-Body Guru
Jan 25, 2009
Clone TIE Pilot said:
The more I think about it the more I dislike it. The guys working on this are probably just a buch of computer geeks that don't like driving and rather be texting and playing games.

Why would you assume that? What does that prejudice serve? I like driving more than most people and happen to work in an autonomous vehicle research lab.


G-Body Guru
Feb 18, 2011
Clone TIE Pilot said:
Thinking about this some more, offroad 4x4s still have to have some form of manual control. However would self driving cars make performance obsolete? What would the point of having a 500 HP car if the auto driver won't drive any faster than a 120 HP car? Perhaps more powerful cars could have priority over less powerful cars, but would they bother building the system like that? This could reduce the hotrodding hobby to just track only cars and/or offroad. What happens if weather knocks out the self driving network, would people be stuck? What about marketing BS? Like the car constantly recommending busnesses for you to stop at and you have to keep pressing the no thanks button, otherwise the car will pull in.

The more I think about it the more I dislike it. The guys working on this are probably just a buch of computer geeks that don't like driving and rather be texting and playing games.

Im not trying to sound like some conspiracy hippy here but yes it would make performance obsolete. The suits at the government and computer nerds want this because like i said before to them cars are just an appliance to get from A to B and think driving is inconvenient and think the time could be better spent. The government wants this because it will take away our freedom little by little, be more convenient for them, and possible monitor everything we do on a daily basis. And soccer moms, their younger kids, CEOs of company's etc. will eat this S**T up because oh i can spend more time with the kids, or oh i can do my homework on the way to school, oh look my twitters updating sure glad i don't have to drive with my brand new self driving car so i can spend more time on FACEBOOK!!! Look i can text and drive now! Thanks Google and Obama for taking away my freedom of the open road cuz i cant drive i probably would flip the F**K out if i had to do it on my own!!

Clone TIE Pilot

Comic Book Super Hero
Aug 14, 2011
Galaxy far far away
drogg1 said:
Clone TIE Pilot said:
The more I think about it the more I dislike it. The guys working on this are probably just a buch of computer geeks that don't like driving and rather be texting and playing games.

Why would you assume that? What does that prejudice serve? I like driving more than most people and happen to work in an autonomous vehicle research lab.

I assume most persons working on self driving cars likely do not enjoy driving. People do not usually work on doing away stuff they like. Most programers, I have met don't like to soil their hands with physical work. Many brag they don't know how to work on cars, plumbing, etc, like it is something to be proud of. I am sure not all of them are that way but many seem to suffer elitism.
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