hi bob, thanks for responding, this was the first hand info i was hoping to hear.Greetings Oldsmobile Joe & all; I can speak with Some experience as I owned a 05 GuTOo for 10 yrs & have hung around the LS1 GTO site for some time. And a good buddy (exhaust guy) has this exact combo placed into a 65 Chevelle. I think he paid around $5500 for the Ls2, computer, gas peddle, 4L65E & a few other parts. Also on the forum the packages runs around $4500 (HI miles, missing parts) to $6500 (w/ additional) stuff. The front end is worth quite a lot as are many other parts. Since parts are expensive & hard to get with some Pontiac parts unavailable. You could sell a lot of good parts & possible come out OK, but a lot of work. The seats are some of GM's best yet today & at the time were the best seats, period. They also go nice in our A-G cars. as I've seen two now, but leave little room for back seat passengers legs. I run a 406 SB in my Bronze Brick, but if I was younger & still had a good job an Ls 1, 2 or 3 would be my choice. With the Ls-2 being the Best bang for the buck, maybe the Best GM V-8 ever made? Dollar per HP?? If ya get a working dash, good interior, all the running gear & the whole car maybe $6500 isn't so bad? But I would think twice about repairing it the cost will far exceed the value. Just finding a nice clean one on the open market, $15,000 will fetch a nice one & $19,000 -$24,000 will get a near perfect one. Good Luck Ol'e Bob.